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Maegor the Cruel saved the Targaryen Dynasty

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Right. My guess is that Rhaena either slipped something into Maegor's drink during after they had sex, or successfully stole Blackfyre while he was asleep. Yandel tells us that Maegor was really unhinged and slowly reacting during his last months, and it seems as if Rhaena as well as those two Kingsguard who abandoned him fled after he had already killed one of the most important pillars of his reign, Tyanna of the Tower.


If Maegor was really deeply depressed and confused at this time, he may have been not that big about discipline and control anymore. Perhaps he just drunk too much one night, and Rhaena came to him because he called for her earlier, and she made her decision then and there, took the sword, her children, and her dragon and went off.


I imagine Rhaena had leave to move about the castle. She was the king's wife, and a king's daughter, and a dragonrider, after all.

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What do you want me to say? I have no clue how this worked. I assume that Dreamfyre was kept in the castle rather than the Dragonpit since the way would have been much longer across the city and the risk to be captured much greater. But then, if discipline was lax at this point, and Maegor unable to take charge, the rats may already have been leaving the sinking ship. Remember, around that time two Kingsguard abandoned Maegor, too, and joined Jaehaerys. That suggests that Maegor was considered to be a dead man walking but the general public, especially by the people surrounding him who interacted with him and may have realized that the man was done.


If things were this bad when Rhaena fled, she may have been able to walk over to the Dragonpit, juggling Blackfyre, and singing with her daughters 'We are going to uncle Jaehaerys, we are going to uncle Jaehaerys...' and no one cared.


Maegor never had any friends, and was, of course, always more feared than loved. There may have been a chance for him to keep his crown and consolidate his reign after he had defeated Aegon and won his first crushing victories over the Faith Militant and brought Oldtown to heel. The slaughtering of the Harroways in 44 AC was a turning point, just as the treatment of Prince Viserys. That was just insane cruelty and malice, costing him both whatever sympathies he had as well as the trust of the people who followed and believed in him. If Queen Alys and Lucas Harroway, the Hand, could fall in this way, who was then safe? This continued with the dreadful slaughtering of the workers on the Red Keep, and was followed by that pointless campaign against the Faith Militant which may have been just Maegor killing random smallfolk. If that was the case, it most certainly didn't help making him more popular.


The final straw would have been Tyanna's end - she was both, Maegor's wife and faithful servant as well as a pillar of his power. Her downfall and death both hammered home the fact that this man remained faithful to no one while also freeing the people from Tyanna. All those who were kept in line only because they feared the King's Raven would have realized that now was the time to strike.

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