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Choose your new Lords Paramount

Floki of the Ironborn

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THE NORTH- Manderly(I'd prefer a descended of the First Men, their seat makes too much sense)



THE REACH- Hightower


THE VALE- Royce of Ruinstone

THE IRON ISLANDS- Drumm (though I'd probably just leave the be, until they start raiding)

DORNE- Yronwood


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North - To be honest, I do not like any of the options available.  Provided he survives, I appoint Harrion Karstark.

Riverlands - Jason Mallister. I like Tytos Blackwood, but will not give him the lordship in an effort to not rub the Brakens the wrong way.

Stormlands - Andrew Estermont. Solid

Reach - I am surprised that Alekyne Florent was not on the list. Another write-in. The Lannisters will not control the throne for long. With that, the Florents are not attainted.

Westerlands - Addam Marbrand did a good job with the duties he was given. Promote him.

Vale - Bronze Yohn Royce. I like him better than most lords. He commands respect and dutiful.

Iron Islands - Rodrik Harlaw. Respectable, firm, and educated.

Dorne - Trebor Jordayne. yet another write-in. Of the options, Yronwood is in chaos. Blackmont, Godsgrace (Allyrion), and Kingsgrave (Manwoody) are isolated, and Dayne is ruled by a child. The Tor (House Jordayne) is situated in a good geographic position to respond to most threats from sea and land.

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