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Outrageous Lies bout TP above, Ver. 24 (I like it better than 23)

Raisin' Bran

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Bran is an only child who used to deny drawing on the walls of his parents' home as a youngster.  Since he had no siblings to blame, he invented a ghost friend.  To keep up the charade, Bran had to make his drawings exceedingly more disturbing.  His parents began to seriously worry about his state of mind and called in help.

Bran's family home was even featured in an episode of Ghost Hunters.


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Destiel is a an urban explorer that is not doing the best in her enterprise. She uncovered what appeared to be a drug stash in one location and a dead body in another... To make it safe she hired a team to take safe and clean locations and turn them into sets that look the part of rotted abandoned architecture.

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DC got amnesia a few years ago. A "friend" of hers got her to believe they were in a drug cartel together as runners. In order to avoid the wrath of the cartel, they needed to run approximately 5 kilos of product a week. When her "friend" got injured and was laid up for 2 months, DC's load increased to 10 kilos a week. Once exhaustion set in from the heightened anxiety and sleep deprivation, the "friend" told her the "truth". She now runs 2 kilos a week to a guy named Curley in Tokyo.

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CB once ripped the tag off a tag off a mattress, mixed darks and whites in the wash, and leaves the TV on all night rather than turn it off. Obviously this makes him one of the most evil people in the world today.

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