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The Others' way around the Wall?

The Sleeper

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17 hours ago, Ser Daegon said:

I like the idea that they're goal isn't to wipe out man kind, but they're actually just after the Isle of Faces. However, it just so happens that the Isle of Faces sits in the middle of the land of Men, who they know they'll need to defeat in order to get there. Essentially, they're story would be quite heroic if seen from their point of view: Retake this extremely holy place that sits occupied by these pagan enemies who fought you to a stand-still centuries ago. It kind of makes me imagine the Holy Crusaders riding to take back Jerusalem from the Saracens, but with an almost Celtic flavor rather than Medieval Christian European. That really makes them almost human as far as motivations and characteristics.

It's a fascinating concept that the Others are driven intently by their religion, and that they themselves might be having the same kind of internal quasi-political struggles concerning what direction to take their people. Maybe there's a small minority among them that support the notion of attempting to make terms with the Humans, but they're too few to make a difference in any councils.

Perhaps they also are fleeing some greater threat farther to the north and Westeros and all the kingdoms are in their way?

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