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Why was no one sent to the Wall after the Battle of the Blackwater?

Oakhearts head

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After the Battle of the Blackwater, many noble lords, knights, sellswords, etc. who fought for Stannis Baratheon bent the knee to the Iron Throne and were pardoned by the new Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister. This really surprised me, as historically being on the losing side of a war and being subdued generally lead to those individuals being forced to choose between choosing the Nights Watch or having their head decorate the walls of Kings Landing. Even in recent history, Ser Alliser Thorne and Ser Jaremy Rykker fought on the side of the Targaryen's during Robert's Rebellion, and were given this very same choice from Tywin after the Sack of Kings Landing.

Why the sudden showing of generosity from Tywin, Cersei and Joffrey?

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11 minutes ago, Oakhearts head said:

After the Battle of the Blackwater, many noble lords, knights, sellswords, etc. who fought for Stannis Baratheon bent the knee to the Iron Throne and were pardoned by the new Hand of the King, Tywin Lannister. This really surprised me, as historically being on the losing side of a war and being subdued generally lead to those individuals being forced to choose between choosing the Nights Watch or having their head decorate the walls of Kings Landing. Even in recent history, Ser Alliser Thorne and Ser Jaremy Rykker fought on the side of the Targaryen's during Robert's Rebellion, and were given this very same choice from Tywin after the Sack of Kings Landing.

Why the sudden showing of generosity from Tywin, Cersei and Joffrey?

After the sack of Kingslanding the war was over, while after the Blackwater the North and Riverlands still had to be defeated.

Showing leniency would have served to encourage Riverlanders to surrender more willingly.

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Yes, Tywin needed men to fight for him, those unwilling to fight for him needed to suffer in front of everyones eyes, not far away in the North protecting a rebellious region.

Tyrion III, Clash

"The deserters serve us best as a lesson. Break their knees with hammers. They will not run again. Nor will any man who sees them begging in the streets." He glanced down the table to see if any of the other lords disagreed.

Tyrion remembered his own visit to the Wall, and the crabs he'd shared with old Lord Mormont and his officers. He remembered the Old Bear's fears as well. "Perhaps we might break the knees of a few to make our point. Those who killed Ser Jacelyn, say. The rest we can send to Marsh. The Watch is grievously under strength. If the Wall should fail . . ."

". . . the wildlings will flood the north," his father finished, "and the Starks and Greyjoys will have another enemy to contend with.

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