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Am I The Only One Around Here Who....


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No, it happened to me, too. But that chapter still hit me hard emotionally when I read it.

Am I the only one who had Ned's death spoiled before even starting ASOAIF, but instead of it ruining AGOT for me, it maybe made the impact even stronger, because I had this sense of impending doom and tragedy all the time I was reading his chapters,?

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I was a total virgin when I watched the first season, so I had no idea what was coming.  However, it did bring back the joy of reading, which I had lost for some time. 

AITOOAH who secretly hopes for a Cersei/Dany smackdown, completely with hair pulling and tittie twisters?

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I do not tend to throw books, too many bad things can happen. But I am sure you are not alone. Though I read it on an ebook so throwing it would cost a lot more than throwing a paperback and putting a dent in the wall.

AITOOAH who secretly wishes GRRM dies before finishing the series, just for an "I told you so" moment?

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Probably not, since there was a thread about that in General at one point, but I find those parallels contrived and based on broad stereotypes rather than actual personalities of these four very different women.

Am I the only one around here who is OK with waiting a bit more for Winds of Winter, because it will give me time to finish my re-read of the series or even do another one?

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Maybe not. Personally, I won't mind waiting until the end of my current (3rd) reread (which will probably be early 2017), but I'm afraid we'll have to wait more than that.


Am I the only one around here who prefers Ser Pounce to all the dragons and direwolves ?

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With the amount of times he is mentioned on this forum, I would say you are not alone.

@Darkstream I can understand you would be upset for my last post. I don't particularly like myself for it either.

Am I the only one around her who thinks "dragon steel" might not be VS and Jon Snow is in for a big surprise?

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@Raisin(g) Bran 2 Greenseer and @Little Scribe of Naath, I would be happy to share my dragonsteel theory (okay it's more of just an idea) with you both, off thread.

No, you're not alone in that. I've seen threads dedicated to trying to prove we'll see an ice dragon.


AITOOAHW is feeling under the weather?

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I'm not feeling under the weather, but I'm sorry to hear your not feeling too great. I wish you a speedy recovery.

AITOOAH who agrees with Little Scribe of Naath that Lady Blizzardborn should start a thread in regards to her take on VS/Dragonsteel?

I would be interested to read that too!

Raisin(g) Bran 2 Greenseer, I wouldn't go so far as to say I don't like you for your comment, but surely felt it was worth a boo.

PS: Boooo!!! ;)

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Ugh, I utterly hate beer. It's so annoying when people act surprised if it's something unimaginable, and ask "why?" My answer is always: "Two seasons: 1)  taste, 2) smell."

I loved Cersei's POVs. She's horrible, hilarious, and occasionally even sympathetic, but still horrible. She's one of those fictional characters that are really terrible people but still I love them.

AITOOAH who loved Brienne's POVs and didn't find them at all "boring"?

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No you're not although love is a strong word. I found Samwells feast chapters much more tedious. The final Brienne chapter of feast with the confontation with LS is one of the best chapters of the entire series imo. 

Aitooah who's favorite Lannister is Cersei?

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