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Acrophobia 27: Hypotheticals - Round 5: Vote/Round 6: Submit

Raisin' Bran

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On 2/27/2017 at 7:50 PM, Fragile Bird said:

After seeing that list, I feel highly inadequate. :(


Same here. :(

1. 6. Asha: I hear guarding wasn't fulfilling!
    Barristan: My task remains. My fealty changes.

2. 4. Asha: My... Uncloaked? Incognito?? What's happinin' Barry???!!!  I tried for something like this but couldn't get it right.

3. 7. Asha: Ironborn humbly greets warrior... Fleeing?
    Barristan: Meaning to rectify my failure, Captain.

Honorable mention to 1. 

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Round 5 Authors and Results

1. Asha: I'm hiring greybeard.                                        Howlin' Howland  1+1+3+2 = 7
    Barristan: Why?
    Asha: Fighting mainly, to restore my father's crown.

2. Barristan: Ironborn! Help give Westeros finer monarch.  Castellan  1+1+1 = 3
    Asha: Truce? Regain father's chair?

3. Asha: Ingratitude hurts, grandpa.  Fragile Bird  1+1 = 2
    Barristan: Worse for me.
    Asha: Take revenge.
    Barristan: Meaning?
    Asha: Fight Cersei!

4. Asha: My... Uncloaked? Incognito?? What's happinin' Barry???!!!  rocksniffer  1+2+1+1+2+2 = 9

5. Asha: I hope grandfather will forgive my tongue. Receiving much female companionship?  Lady Blizzardborn   1+1+1+1 = 4

6. Asha: I hear guarding wasn't fulfilling!                  Dolorous Gabe  1+1+2+3+3+3+3+3+4 = 23
    Barristan: My task remains. My fealty changes.

7. Asha: Ironborn humbly greets warrior... Fleeing?  Julia H.  1+1+2+2+3 = 9
    Barristan: Meaning to rectify my failure, Captain.



1. Dolorous Gabe      33 + 23 = 56
2. Howlin' Howland    46 + 7 = 53 
3. Julia H.                   43 + 9 = 52
4. Fragile Bird            41 + 2 = 43
4. Lady Blizzardborn  39 + 4 = 43
6. Castellan                39 + 3 = 42
6. rocksniffer              33 + 9 = 42
8. PyroclasticFlow      18
9. lil' ghost                  9 + 1 = 10

And just like that, Dolorous Gabe roasts the competition and comes out on top of the leader board, jumping five spots in the process. But that does not put him far ahead of Howlin' Howland or Julia H. The last round has begun. Who will take home the metaphorical hypothetical crown?

As always, let me know if my calculations are off.

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Round 6- Voting Jaime's turn with the dragon queen

1. Daenarys:  I welcome every mercenary Westeros sends to this khalasar.
    Jaime: You think men will answer any liege?
    Daenarys: To dominate a realm?
    Jaime: . . . winning never gets easier.

2. Jaime: Youthful ten, mercy! Wallowing and asking leniency! Will nubile grace enact? 
I would everyone made worshiping speeches to Targaryens. Kingslayers' tardy. Daario, annihilate recreant. 

3. Daenerys: I wake every morning wishing solely this.
    Jaime: You're taking madness well. Aerys approves!
    Daenerys: Tongue, Kingslayer! This Dragon ascends rightfully.
    Jaime: Lawful wars never guarantee equilibrium.

4. Daenerys: I want empires. My wyverns shall take the Kingdom.
    Jaime: Your tragedy, madam, was always about losing wars, not gaining empires.
    Daenerys: Ta-ta…Drogon's always ravenous!

5. Daenerys: I will execute my wish – slaying the traitor!
    Jaime: You’re to mirror what Aerys adored.
    Daenerys: Kingslaying’s treason. Die and repent!
    Jaime: Last words: NOT guilty. Essentially. 


Do not post votes to the thread!!!!!!!!! Voting will be by PM, vote for 3 entries

Voting ends Thursday 9 March 23:55 UTC

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Round 6 Authors and Results

1. Daenarys:  I welcome every mercenary Westeros sends to this khalasar.     Howlin' Howland    
    Jaime: You think men will answer any liege?
    Daenarys: To dominate a realm?
    Jaime: . . . winning never gets easier.

2. Jaime: Youthful ten, mercy! Wallowing and asking leniency! Will nubile grace enact?     Lady Blizzardborn   
    Daenerys: I would everyone made worshiping speeches to Targaryens. Kingslayers' 
                       tardy. Daario, annihilate recreant. 

3. Daenerys: I wake every morning wishing solely this.                      Dolorous Gabe    
    Jaime: You're taking madness well. Aerys approves!
    Daenerys: Tongue, Kingslayer! This Dragon ascends rightfully.
    Jaime: Lawful wars never guarantee equilibrium.

4. Daenerys: I want empires. My wyverns shall take the Kingdom.                                  Fragile Bird     
    Jaime: Your tragedy, madam, was always about losing wars, not gaining empires.
    Daenerys: Ta-ta…Drogon's always ravenous!

5. Daenerys: I will execute my wish – slaying the traitor!     Julia H.     
    Jaime: You’re to mirror what Aerys adored.
    Daenerys: Kingslaying’s treason. Die and repent!
    Jaime: Last words: NOT guilty. Essentially. 

The following are the results of the voting for round 6.

      S V JH. l'g H'H C DG FB LB 1st bonus Mult 1st -2 Total
1 Daenarys:  I welcome every mercenary Westersos sends to this khalasar. Jaime: You think men will answer any liege? Daenarys: To dominate a realm? Jaime: . . . winning never gets easier.  Howlin' Howland 1 1 1 3 x   2 2       10
2 Jaime: Youthful ten, mercy! Wallowing and asking leniency! Will nubile grace enact? Dany: I would everyone made worshiping speeches to Targaryens. Kingslayers' tardy. Daario, annihilate recreant.  Lady Blizzardborn 1 1       1     x     3
3 Daenerys: I wake every morning wishing solely this. Jaime: You're taking madness well. Aerys approves! Dany: Tongue, Kingslayer! This Dragon ascends rightfully. Jaime: Lawful wars never guarantee equilibrium. Dolorous Gabe 1 1 3 1 3 3 x 1 2 4 -2 17
4 Daenerys: I want empires. My wyverns shall take the Kingdom. Jaime: Your tragedy, madam, was always about losing wars, not gaining empires. Daenerys: Ta-ta…Drogon's always ravenous! Fragile Bird 1 1 2   2   1 x 1     8
5 Dany: I will execute my wish – slaying the traitor! Jaime: You’re to mirror what Aerys adored. Dany: Kingslaying’s treason. Die and repent! Jaime: Last words: NOT guilty. Essentially.  Julia H. 1 1 x 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 -2 18

Final Standings

1. Dolorous Gabe      56 + 17 = 73
2. Julia H.                  52 + 18 = 70
3. Howlin' Howland    53 + 10 = 63
4. Fragile Bird            43 + 8   = 51
5. Lady Blizzardborn  43 + 3  = 46
6. Castellan                42 + 1  = 43
6. rocksniffer              42
8. PyroclasticFlow      18
9. lil' ghost                  10 + 1  = 11

The final round goes to Julia H., where Jaime was able to plead his case and, perhaps, keep his head. But despite the round 6 win, the game's crown goes to Dolorous Gabe, who submitted an entry where Jaime even goes as far as to provide Daenerys with counsel, something Jaime's sister would never accept. This game could have gone any number of ways. Congratulations to you all!!!

The following table shows the running score of the game by round.

  Running totals R1 R2 Tot aft R2 R3 Tot aft R3 R4 Tot aft R4 R5 Tot aft R5 R6 Final Totals
1 Dolorous Gabe 8 10 18 8 26 7 33 23 56 17 73
2 Julia H. 14 10 24 14 38 5 43 9 52 18 70
3 Howlin' Howland 19 9 28 6 34 12 46 7 53 10 63
4 Fragile Bird 8 6 14 21 35 6 41 2 43 8 51
5 Lady Blizzardborn 6 8 14 6 20 19 39 4 43 3 46
6 Castellan 11 17 28 4 32 7 39 3 42 1 43
7 rocksniffer 4 10 14 10 24 9 33 9 42 0 42
8 PyroclasticFlow 2 4 6 3 9 9 18 0 18 0 18
9 lil' ghost 4 2 6 2 8 1 9 1 10 1 11

Thank you everyone for playing. It was a load of fun being your host. We lost a couple along the way, but despite only having 5 entries for the final round, we still got 7 players voting. I would consider my first attempt at hosting a success overall. But the success can only be attributed to the enthusiasm you continue to have for the game.

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For those of you who are curious, the following is where I acquired my acronyms.

1. S R W Y A “Silence, remember where you are.” (ACoK, Davos I, Chapter 10)

2. I T K A A N F T W P “In the kitchen, arguing about names for the wolf pups.” (AGoT, Catelyn I, Chapter 2)

3. I O T B M F “I’m off to break my fast.” (AGoT,Tyrion I, Chapter 9)

4. I L S T P T I O T D “It looks smaller, though perhaps that is only the distance.” (ACoK, Chapter 11, Theon I)

5. I H G W F M T R M F C “If His Grace wishes for me to remove myself from court…” (ADwD, Chapter 55, The Queensguard [Barristan I])
    M U I W H B “My uncle is with his books?” (AFfC, Chapter 11, The Kraken’s Daughter [Asha I])

6. I W E M W S T T K T D A R “I want every man who sees them to know the dragons are returned.” (ACok, Chapter 63, Daenerys V)
    Y T M W A A L W N G E “You’d think my word as a Lannister was not good enough.” (ASoS, Chapter 1, Jaime I)


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Magic no. 5! :D

Well played all! Julia and H'H, it was really tough to choose between your final round entries, they were both awesome!

I feel like one single entry won me that game. Thanks again for those critical votes!

Thank you Raisin' Bran, your first hosting gig was indeed a success. Great work on a great game! :cheers:

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5 minutes ago, Fragile Bird said:

<gnashes teeth, twirls mustache in fierce, fierce thoughts about the dg....>



No doubt you will plot to draw level again and up your game accordingly. You always do. Harder with Julia around and H'H back in form though! Plus the impressive R'B to come back into the fold from hosting.

Speaking of hosting, I might be tempted to host again although I was working on developing a new Acrophilia game. I don't know if people might be interested in a kind of phobia-philia crossover type game, possibly? It would be split into authors and guessers, authors playing phobia and and guessers playing philia. Just a thought?

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Great game everybody. Well done, DG. Well done, RB.

39 minutes ago, Dolorous Gabe said:


Speaking of hosting, I might be tempted to host again although I was working on developing a new Acrophilia game. I don't know if people might be interested in a kind of phobia-philia crossover type game, possibly? It would be split into authors and guessers, authors playing phobia and and guessers playing philia. Just a thought?

I don't think my feeble brain could handle that. 

I actually have a theme idea for an Acrophobia game but am entirely incapable of hosting at present.

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9 hours ago, Lady Blizzardborn said:

I don't think my feeble brain could handle that.

I'm not actually sure how it would fully work, it's just an idea at this stage. I could just host a normal game of Acrophobia and wait a bit longer before reviving Acrophilia. Sometimes it's good to have a break from 'philia.


9 hours ago, Howlin' Howland said:

Oh that's funny.  My submission for round one had Davos saying "remember where you are."

Good game Gabe :cheers:

That was a brilliant entry  :cheers:

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