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What's happened to the women of Westeros?

Wildling Queen

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At the beginning of this season, I was very excited about the potential of so many strong, powerful female characters ruling families and houses in Westeros. Daenerys was coming to kick some Westerosi tail. Yara was riding along with Dany to take back the Iron Islands. The Sand Snakes had taken over control of Dorne. Olenna Tyrell ruled Highgarden. Once Jon went off to mine dragonglass, Sansa was in charge of Winterfell. Cersei, who had played second fiddle to Robert and her sons, sat on the Iron Throne. Even considering I don't like some of those characters, it was pretty exciting to see.

Now there are conversations about Daenerys being too tempermental. Yara has been overpowered by her uncle. The Sand Snakes are all dead or in a dungeon being tortured. Olenna is dead. Sansa and Arya really need the more level-headed man of the house to come back and straighten things out before they kill each other. And Cersei, who was always a horrible woman but was also smart and calculating, is making dumb, irrational decisions and is descending into madness.

Instead of being a show where strong women play an equal and capable part in politics and war, it's undergirding all the reasons that have been used historically to say women were unfit to rule. We're too emotional, physically weaker than men and too able to be overpowered, We have trouble being able to work with other women and put aside petty differences. Plus there's just something different about our ability to think; we're prone to hysterics and madness.

I really hope the writers can find some of GRRM's desire to create strong female characters, flawed like anyone else but equally capable and intelligent. A lot has happened and been vastly different than the novels with the women of Westeros throughout the show, but I at least hope they can get this part right.


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