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Real world myths and possible inspirations of Asoiaf


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On 06/01/2018 at 0:34 PM, Tygett Lannister said:

Wow, that would be a great coincidence since that is an importatn number in the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life of the Hebrews, trough its numerology one can even state that 33 can be associated with Jesus Reborn in Light.

In this religious numerology the number 33 is a very special one, associated with the knowledge or enlightment of men, or so to be, the Kabbalah and the Zohar itself. or to put in a very crude statement: it can mean the coming of divine light to the human world. And by the other side of the coing is the age of Jesus ascending to the light, leaving the world.

Also by numerology 33 can be turned to 6 by ways of 3+3, obviously, the  number 6, so now to a lot o Kabbalah needed introduction:


Sephiroths are the spheres that represent all existance in both the macro and micro visons of it. And they are 10 disposed in the tree of life.

the 6 Sephiroth, Thipheret is higly related to Yeshua (Jesus) in th Kabbalah he is the  lion of the tribe of Judah, the number 666 is also related to him, in oposition to the beast number wich is 999.

This shpere ocuppies an the central point in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and can be seen as the Sun, emanating all his golden beuty to the other sephirots arround it, even if it is not the source of light itself, this sphere is clearly associated to light, gold, beauty day and good, sometimes to fire.

"Here is more about the number 33 ant number 137 wich related to light in kabblah, if somewone is intrested http://kabbalahstudent.com/the-magic-of-137/


In ASOIAF the Lions are also clearly associated to gold and beauty in the Lannisters imaginary, but in the East the Lion was of the Night, wich is weird but may indicate oscilation between the poles of symbolism.

This in fact was the only reason i did noth laughed at theory of Jaime being Azor Ahai because of his dream with a Fiery Sword.

In this line of thought we would have in the other side of the coin, Cersei as the proud and beutiful golden lion that will burn itself and all arround to ashes for not being able to ballance her good and bad actions, so she would be the evil twin, the reflection to the 6 sephiroth, the qiphlot is the inverse of the sephiroth, she is more like the coin of Bravoos, rich, and spelndid as a golden lion, but hiding death in her other side.

Altough i don't see any of this Jaime saving the world myself its not that useless as some pointed it could be a very smart red herring.


The Fiery Sword ias another symbolism that may be associated with the Hebrew Kabbalah, scince that is the name of the Way that can be followed trought the Sephiroths, or spheres, of the Tree of Life, in fact is the one way they are disposed numerically, from 1 to 10, because it would be the the order of the creation that stops at the 10th sphere, Malkuth,(The Kingdom) the material world

Here is more of Flaming sword in semithism, with images to make it easier:


I'll be back later, hopefully with more.

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