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You look like a rare Weirwood?


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So this may have been covered before but i couldn't find anything out right.


Weirwood faces and similarities of features and the rarity of weirwood groves. Not really a theory, just some observations.


Winterfell- Long and melancholy.     This sounds like Eddard and or Jon's face. 

Storm's End- A solemn unsmiling serious face.       This sounds like Stannis Baratheon to the max.

Casterly Rock- A small and twisted weirwood.         This sounds like small and twisted Tyrion Lannister.

River Run-  A sad face.                                            This is tough, Cat is probably the saddest? Arya, Sansa, Robb, Bran, Rickon? 


We're only told 2 other faces really that i can recall.

White Tree-  With a big jagged gaping mouth

Harrenhal - Terrible Face full of hatred with a twisted mouth and flaring eyes. 


Not sure what to make of this. 

There is the story of Ygg the pale demon tree that fed on human flesh which may be linked to Garth the Green. Said in the most ancient tales to be a Green all over God that demanded blood sacrifices. 

Ygg was killed by the Grey King and there happens to be 44 weirwoods which seem dead (nagga's ribs) 

Then there is the Black Gate. The only Weirwood we've seen to be able to move and speak. 

There are also 44 Iron Islands

                         31 in main grouping

                         13 in Farwyn grouping

                         7 Main grouping.


44 dead on the Iron Islands in a grove.

31 dead at High Heart in a grove. 

Where are the 13 and 7 groves? God's Eye seems a good place for at least one of these two groves. Which? and where is the other?

There is a grove of 9 North of the Wall and Bloodstone Emperor was 9th ruler of the Empire of the Dawn. So maybe that is where he did his dark magic? Or dark magic was done to him?


There is 3 weirwoods at Highgarden called the singers, though we're told


he sun was sinking below the trees when they reached their destination, a small clearing in the deep of the wood where nine weirwoods grew in a rough circle. Jon drew in a breath, and he saw Sam Tarly staring. Even in the wolfswood, you never found more than two or three of the white trees growing togethera grove of nine was unheard of.

So it seems 3 is not so special. 

On the other hand, 9, 31, and 44 of them was unheard of. And how ever many there are on the God's Eye. Each said to be carved with a face.


Like i said, no real theory here. Just some observations and wondering if any one else has any ideas about some of this or know of any good threads :)


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Hey Sandman, nice thread.

What do you think the deal is with the Weirwood at the Black Gate - I feel the fact that the tree talks doesn't get brought up enough. 

Are we to believe all Heart trees can talk? Can they uproot and walk? If the gate was created through some sorcery then how many other Weirwood in important locations may have this ability?

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20 minutes ago, Leo of House Cartel said:

Hey Sandman, nice thread.

What do you think the deal is with the Weirwood at the Black Gate - I feel the fact that the tree talks doesn't get brought up enough. 

Are we to believe all Heart trees can talk? Can they uproot and walk? If the gate was created through some sorcery then how many other Weirwood in important locations may have this ability?

Well i toy with the idea that it's all a connected network that would thus have a heart. Though i suspect the heart is poisoned, blackened, and barely alive. Think of how the Black Gate awakes and speaks slowly and looks as though a man could live for a thousand years. "They wake" "They were sleeping". All give me pause.

Garth i suspect as the heart of this all. His being linked to blood sacrifice, bountiful harvest, and spring and winter. Which sounds like Ygg who was attacked or the blackwood tree that was poisoned. The Blackgate being yggs face/mouth, though maybe not his heart. Hard to say. 

And im not sure how he was created, but despite what the children claim, all the legends seem to indicate that Garth crashed to earth via a comet or something. The Lion of Night and the Maiden Maid of Light being his parents. Spread his seed all over.

Then mixed in with some of these trees looking like characters and or their houses in the book strikes me as odd and children of the Trees. 

Which has me puzzled how children really fit into this all. I assume they are older than us and have indeed been here longer, though how long? And when did Ygg come in accordance to them?

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4 hours ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Well i toy with the idea that it's all a connected network that would thus have a heart. Though i suspect the heart is poisoned, blackened, and barely alive. Think of how the Black Gate awakes and speaks slowly and looks as though a man could live for a thousand years. "They wake" "They were sleeping". All give me pause.

I read theories linking the inverted 'essosi weirwoods' to the Undying Ones and the rotting heart deep in their lair. Maybe the weirwoods finally start to rot once that heart is destroyed.

A 'heart' where all westerosi weirwoods are connected to is a nice typical George fashion weird sci-fi idea.

The terrible face in Harrenhal may be just Harren the Black, an odious man. 

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1 hour ago, AlaskanSandman said:

Well i toy with the idea that it's all a connected network that would thus have a heart. Though i suspect the heart is poisoned, blackened, and barely alive. Think of how the Black Gate awakes and speaks slowly and looks as though a man could live for a thousand years. "They wake" "They were sleeping". All give me pause.

Garth i suspect as the heart of this all. His being linked to blood sacrifice, bountiful harvest, and spring and winter. Which sounds like Ygg who was attacked or the blackwood tree that was poisoned. The Blackgate being yggs face/mouth, though maybe not his heart. Hard to say. 

And im not sure how he was created, but despite what the children claim, all the legends seem to indicate that Garth crashed to earth via a comet or something. The Lion of Night and the Maiden Maid of Light being his parents. Spread his seed all over.

Then mixed in with some of these trees looking like characters and or their houses in the book strikes me as odd and children of the Trees. 

Which has me puzzled how children really fit into this all. I assume they are older than us and have indeed been here longer, though how long? And when did Ygg come in accordance to them?

Very interesting, I couldn't say if Ygg predates the Singers but I think it's probable that weirwoods in general do. 

An idea I had (highly crackpot as it is) was that the trees are all connected weaving their way through the earth like some giant web/bowl of spaghetti. Now, the trees seem to be sentient beings, which could perhaps signify actual Planetos itself is their power, so what power/sentience might the molten rock/lava weaving it's way through the Earth hold? Say a volcano like one of the fourteen flames - could such a sight hold any sort of magical sentience like the weirwoods do? Some all knowing energy amongst the flames might be why the Targs burn their dead as opposed to commit them to the weirwood net.

Perhaps this is where the tales of the Red God come from - a bastardised version of the "Old Gods" story, replacing the "gods of stone and stream"/weirwoods with some god of fire - the actual burning diety being the "fires of the earth".

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