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Oldbies may remember that we used reputation when it was introduced in IPB 3 long, long ago, but we turned off partly because the implementation of the time was a bit divisive, and partly because it was horrible for performance with a database our size.

With IPS 4, we've been told that the performance hit from using it is negligible. Moreover, the system supports only positive reputation, so less room for abuse by gaming the system.

We'll run with it for awhile and see if it finds much use and support.

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Okay, after a couple of days of testing, we've now tried a different iteration of the Reputation system. This means you will see how many individual responses you get in the various available categories, but at the same time you (nor anyone else) will not see your personal reputation total.

We are not decided on how we are approaching things, but just messing around with our options to see what fits the board culture best. Well, besides anarchy.

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