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What I wish would happen to Jon Snow


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From the first day I knew about Jon dying at the end of Dance; I thought he would become a wight, but the magic that does the transformation would mix with his Targaryen blood. This would actually confirm r+l=j for everyone who cares to investigate. The Magic’s would be fighting within him. And so he would end up as a type of hybrid. (I’m forgetting what makes targs fireproof on occasion, I know dany burns her hand at the end of Dance, depending on what it is if it makes my theory stronger or not, but he would be a wight that doesn’t burn) He stands up on the funeral pyre and slaughters absolutely everyone he sees. Then he would regain his mind, and be a wight that could think. Completely changed, he wouldn’t be that honrorable anymore. He would be the song of ice and fire. Then infiltrate the white walker civilization and we see what’s up with them...

I don’t think this will happen, but I can dream...

Wondering what people’s thoughts are since I haven’t heard anyone else draw this conclusion...

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The details are probably wrong, but the general direction of the OP is probably pretty good. I don't think Jon will just be an improved version of Robb; a straightforward, conventional hero could easily get boring. And Jon has this death experience, which I think is not something to be swiftly reversed and forgotten, but an opportunity to give him what he needs to be a power in the death zone of the Long Night.

His perspective will have changed a lot. He might even appear as a monster to ordinary people (Ice Dragon, Night's King, Rat Cook), he might appear to have changed sides (again), but I think by the end at least, he will act the hero. He is the promised prince: if he gets it wrong, what hope is there?

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