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Snake‘s name


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As far as I have noticed, Oberyn chose his daughters’ names with great care.

Elia was named after Oberyn‘s sister, Dorea and Obella probably after Doran and Oberyn himself. There is speculation that Loreza was named after their mother, the Princess of Dorne.

Obara is also named after Oberyn, though in this case Oberyn probably wasn‘t the one who chose the name – he met Obara several years later. So Obara probably is the only Sand Snake named by her mother.

Lady Nym was named after legendary princess Nymeria. Lady Nym is a daughter of Volantene noblewoman, descendant of old Valyria. I doubt it was her mother’s choice to name daughter after Rhoynish princess who fought against dragonlords. So I am sure it was Oberyn who gave Nymeria’s name to his daughter.

Sarella‘s mother was Summer Islander, Tyene‘s – septa from Reach. But both of the Sand Snakes have Essosi names. I think Oberyn is behind that as well. Question is, why did he choose those names? As far as I have noticed, Oberyn didn’t give random names to his children.

Another version of Sarella‘s name is Serala. Serala, The Laced Serpent was the one who participated in defiance of Duskendale and later was accused as a main culprit.  Defiance of Duskendale took place about 3 years prior birth of Sarella, so memory of this event was still fresh enough.  I wonder, why Oberyn gave his daughter this name – maybe name of Laced serpent fitted Sand Snake, but Serala was infamous, she rebelled against the king, kidnapped him  and finally lost.

Her death was cruel:


As to Lady Serala, hers was a crueler death. Aerys had the Lace Serpent's tongue and her womanly parts torn out before she was burned alive (yet her enemies say that she should have suffered more and worse for the ruin she brought down upon the town).

This alone could discourage any father to give similar name to his daughter, even if he planned to name her after different Sarella. Besides, when Sarella was born, Rhaegar was wed or betrothed to princess Elia, Martells and Targs were on good terms.  King Aerys of course didn’t know names of Oberyn’s bastards, but if he had learned per chance about Sarella his reaction would have been nasty.

Why did Oberyn showed such respect to Lace serpent?

Could that mean that he knew and admired her? Could Martells be behind Defiance of Duskendale (at that moment Rhaegar wasn’t betrothed to Elia yet)?


As for Tyenne, her namesake Tyanna rose to the power during the reign of Maegor I. She was his mistress, his wife and his mistress of whisperers. Tyanna ended almost as badly as Serala.


I think I can see a pattern here:


After Oberyn had lost his sister Elia, he named his children after family members,

Before that he named his daughters after powerful and strong-willed women – Nymeria, Tyanna of the Tower, Serala of Myr.


Sill I can’t understand why did he respected Tyanna of the Tower and and Serala of Myr so much?

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3 hours ago, Pukisbaisals said:

why did he respected Tyanna of the Tower and and Serala of Myr so much?

I don't think he does. Aenys Frey's late wife was Tyana Wylde. House Lannister had a septa called Saranella (which sounds much more like "Sarella" than Selara does). So the choice for "Tyene" and "Sarella" may well be based on westerosi tradition (and/or people).

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On 6/29/2018 at 12:21 PM, Pukisbaisals said:

As for Tyenne, her namesake Tyanna rose to the power during the reign of Maegor I. She was his mistress, his wife and his mistress of whisperers. Tyanna ended almost as badly as Serala.

A mistress of whisperers would sound good to Oberyn, and Tyene is going to be a spy, I think? Maybe that's what he planned for her.

It's possible that whole families of names point in the same direction - Taena Merryweather looks very like a spy.


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