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Iron Throne Material


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Hi liebe Community!

Ich begeistere mich seit Anfang an für den Iron Throne und hab mich schon immer gefragt aus was das Original (die Requisite) eigentlich besteht, also aus echten Schwertern oder aus einem anderen Material, das bemalt wurde ...
Vielleicht weiß hier ja jemand die Antwort? Würde mich sehr freuen ^_^

Schonmal vielen Dank!

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First, welcome, but this is an English language forum primarily. 

That said, Google translate says:


Hi dear community!

I have been passionate about the Iron Throne since the beginning and have always wondered what the original (the prop) actually consists of, ie real swords or some other material that was painted ...
Maybe someone here knows the answer? Would be very happy ^ _ ^

Thank you in advance!


The answer is that it is made of painted fiberglass (Es besteht aus lackiertem Fiberglas)

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