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Ghost's and Shaggy's eyes

The Sleeper

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At some point it is mentioned that among the Children those who are greenseers are marked by their eye colour, namely green and red. That is the case in a species where the predominant eye color is gold/amber. I am sure I am not the only one to notice that Ghost's and Shaggy's eyes follow the same color scheme.

What if the ability that greenseers have is not confined to sentient species? Or Ghost and Shaggy have extra perks?

Ghost on several occasions behaves as if he is under other influences as for example when he found the cache at the Fist. There are two occasions where Ghost and Summer sense the other pack members. Then there is the occasion where Rickon shares the dream about Ned's death. These can be reconciled by considering the possibility of the wolves sharing their masters gifts and vice versa. So in that case Ghost senses the other pack members through his own ability while Summer does so because of his link to Bran. At the same time Rickon learns of his father's death through his link to Shaggy. 

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This is an interesting topic. I agree something's going on here.

Shaggy's eyes are linked to green fire - wildfire - and this suits Shaggy's disposition. Jon notes that Ghost's eyes are like fire, burning suns, but like a weirwood which looks like light and fire, but not like Mel's eyes.


Bran watched from his window seat. Wherever the boy went, Grey Wind was there first, loping ahead to cut him off, until Rickon saw him, screamed in delight, and went pelting off in another direction. Shaggydog ran at his heels, spinning and snapping if the other wolves came too close. His fur had darkened until he was all black, and his eyes were green fire. Bran's Summer came last. He was silver and smoke, with eyes of yellow gold that saw all there was to see. Smaller than Grey Wind, and more wary. Bran thought he was the smartest of the litter. He could hear his brother's breathless laughter as Rickon dashed across the hard-packed earth on little baby legs.

Robb had been holding his breath. He let it out with a sigh and called, "Grey Wind." His direwolf moved to him, swift and silent. Now there was only Shaggy dog, rumbling at the small man, his eyes burning like green fire.


Bran saw eyes like green fire, a flash of teeth, fur as black as the pit around them. Maester Luwin yelled and threw up his hands. The torch went flying from his fingers, caromed off the stone face of Brandon Stark, and tumbled to the statue's feet, the flames licking up his legs. In the drunken shifting torchlight, they saw Luwin struggling with the direwolf, beating at his muzzle with one hand while the jaws closed on the other.


The direwolf had no answer, but he licked Jon's face with a tongue like a wet rasp, and his eyes caught the last light and shone like two great red suns.

Red eyes, Jon realized, but not like Melisandre's. He had a weirwood's eyes. Red eyes, red mouth, white fur. Blood and bone, like a heart tree. He belongs to the old gods, this one. And he alone of all the direwolves was white. Six pups they'd found in the late summer snows, him and Robb; five that were grey and black and brown, for the five Starks, and one white, as white as Snow.


What's really odd is the Lannister connection and it's little things like this which make me think that the Lannisters have their own woo-woo backstory like so many of the other families in Westeros. Arya says Nymeria's eyes gleamed in the sun like golden coins in sun. Bran says Summer's eyes smoulder like liquid gold. Bran then describes CotF eyes as gold and green and slitted like a cat's. Tywin is a cat with gold and green eyes who is linked to caves deep in the earth. :dunno:


Nymeria nipped eagerly at her hand as Arya untied her. She had yellow eyes. When they caught the sunlight, they gleamed like two golden coins. Arya had named her after the warrior queen of the Rhoyne, who had led her people across the narrow sea. That had been a great scandal too. Sansa, of course, had named her pup "Lady." Arya made a face and hugged the wolfling tight. Nymeria licked her ear, and she giggled.


He tried not to flinch as Hodor ducked through a low door. They walked down a long dim hallway, Summer padding easily beside them. The wolf glanced up from time to time, eyes smoldering like liquid gold. Bran would have liked to touch him, but he was riding too high for his hand to reach.


He wished they were here now; the vault might not have seemed so dark and scary. Summer stalked out in the echoing gloom, then stopped, lifted his head, and sniffed the chill dead air. He bared his teeth and crept backward, eyes glowing golden in the light of the maester's torch.


That was not Arya's voice, nor any child's. It was a woman's voice, high and sweet, with a strange music in it like none that he had ever heard and a sadness that he thought might break his heart. Bran squinted, to see her better. It was a girl, but smaller than Arya, her skin dappled like a doe's beneath a cloak of leaves. Her eyes were queer—large and liquid, gold and green, slitted like a cat's eyes. No one has eyes like that. Her hair was a tangle of brown and red and gold, autumn colors, with vines and twigs and withered flowers woven through it.


His eyes were a pale green, flecked with gold. A fool more foolish than most had once jested that even Lord Tywin's shit was flecked with gold. Some said the man was still alive, deep in the bowels of Casterly Rock.





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I believe this is why Rickon is a greenseer. He knew Cait, Robb, and Ned would not make it back alive from the south. He also had known when Ned had died, similar to Bran. It's his connection to his direwolf that gives him the greenisght. Jon could have this too, but i'm not as sure. He also seemed to have some greendreams.

Furthermore I don't believe Bran is a greenseer at all. He is something different and his powers come from the 3 Eyed Crow. The 3EC seems to be linked to death visiting bran when he nearly died from his fall, and Jojen after his near death experience with Greywater fever. Bran isn't marked with the green/red eyes and Leaf still refers to Bloodraven as the last greenseer. I'm writing up a theory on this still, will post it soon

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1 hour ago, John Suburbs said:

I think I can see moments when Shaggy is warging into Rickon rather than the other way around. His refusal to cut his hair and then biting the girl who tried is probably the best example. But there are other times when Rick seems more wolf than boy.

Could that just be a case of Rickon spending too long warged into Shaggy? We know that the longer a skinchanger stays in his animal, the more he takes on the qualities of that animal. 

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3 hours ago, King Aegon I Targaryen said:

Could that just be a case of Rickon spending too long warged into Shaggy? We know that the longer a skinchanger stays in his animal, the more he takes on the qualities of that animal. 

Could be. But Rickon is also only three, so it might be possible that Shaggy is able to warg his still-developing mind while the other wolves cannot do the same to their more mature Starks. I would say give Bran's early chapters a reread and take a close look each time Rickon appears, and ask yourself: is that really Rickon in there, or Shaggy?


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4 minutes ago, John Suburbs said:

Could be. But Rickon is also only three, so it might be possible that Shaggy is able to warg his still-developing mind while the other wolves cannot do the same to their more mature Starks. I would say give Bran's early chapters a reread and take a close look each time Rickon appears, and ask yourself: is that really Rickon in there, or Shaggy?


I agree about Rickon. It looks like a complicated relationship, but Shaggy is too strong an influence on someone so undeveloped.


His baby brother had been wild as a winter storm since he learned Robb was riding off to war, weeping and angry by turns. He'd refused to eat, cried and screamed for most of a night, even punched Old Nan when she tried to sing him to sleep, and the next day he'd vanished. Robb had set half the castle searching for him, and when at last they'd found him down in the crypts, Rickon had slashed at them with a rusted iron sword he'd snatched from a dead king's hand, and Shaggydog had come slavering out of the darkness like a green-eyed demon. The wolf was near as wild as Rickon; he'd bitten Gage on the arm and torn a chunk of flesh from Mikken's thigh. It had taken Robb himself and Grey Wind to bring him to bay. Farlen had the black wolf chained up in the kennels now, and Rickon cried all the more for being without him.


"Perhaps it's time I took my leave," Tyrion said. He took a step backward … and Shaggydog came out of the shadows behind him, snarling. Lannister recoiled, and Summer lunged at him from the other side. He reeled away, unsteady on his feet, and Grey Wind snapped at his arm, teeth ripping at his sleeve and tearing loose a scrap of cloth.

"No!" Bran shouted from the high seat as Lannister's men reached for their steel. "Summer, here. Summer, to me!"

The direwolf heard the voice, glanced at Bran, and again at Lannister. He crept backward, away from the little man, and settled down below Bran's dangling feet.

Robb had been holding his breath. He let it out with a sigh and called, "Grey Wind." His direwolf moved to him, swift and silent. Now there was only Shaggy dog, rumbling at the small man, his eyes burning like green fire.

"Rickon, call him," Bran shouted to his baby brother, and Rickon remembered himself and screamed, "Home, Shaggy, home now." The black wolf gave Lannister one final snarl and bounded off to Rickon, who hugged him tightly around the neck.


To the main topic, referencing the quote in my earlier post where we see Shaggy's fur started out gray but turn black, it's debatable but implied that Shaggy's eyes changed as well as his fur. The wording is ambiguous. The other wolves have gold eyes and green eyes in wolves is very rare and when it does appear, it's a muted or muddy green, not the green fire described in the books.

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Summer's eyes I believe are likened to the and that as well as his name refers to Bran's role in bringing back the sun after the Long Night. Nymeria's eyes are likened to coins refer to funeral customs and Arya's role as a psychopomp. 

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