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Do you think it would be better for Queen Rhaenys to marry Orys Baratheon?

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On 2/8/2019 at 4:52 PM, The hairy bear said:


we actually know about Aegon's preferences here. He preferred Rhaenys, and spend with her ten night for each one that he spent with Visenya.


So said some maester. Reading aSoIaF we know what some characters really think or feel. As for the pseudo - history books we may never be sure. For example - reading WoIaF one may think Tywin Lannister was coolest, most noble guy that ever stepped, Mostly because that part was written by Pycelle.

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Who is this better for? Marriage is for political connections. Orys has nothing but his connection to Aegon. He gains everything else when he marries Argella. What would he have gained by marrying Rhaenys? Likewise, why would Rhaenys rather be married to her bastard half-brother? What does that do for her?

The only person this benefits is Visenya since she doesn't have to compete with Rhaenys to produce an heir. But then, we get Maegor the Cruel as king earlier and his inability to conceive an heir. That's the end of the line of Targaryens and Westeros returns to the pre-conquest chaos.


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