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The Last Hero is the Night's King is Azor Ahai is Coldhands is Brandon the Breaker?


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I post this here simply because it is supplemented by the show's own bits, but I spoilered those. It works entirely well on its own if you were to only take the books into account. If contains show spoilers for seasons already aired. For the books, it’s just background lore and Coldhands. Mods: feel free to move to ASoIF if you feel it's more fitted to it.

So we have R'hllor's faith, of which the symbol is a flaming heart.

We have dragonglass, known as frozen fire.

In the show we have:


The Night King, turned into it by being stabbed in the heart with dragonglass (frozen fire).

We have Benjen who says stabbing one in the heart while turning into a wight (or WW?) can stop the process, and seemingly stops you from dying or brings you back to life. No blue-starryish eyes, which signal one has turned into a WW/wight.

In the books we have:


Coldhands, who is very WW-like, but no eyes "burning like ice" or stars.

We have Azor Ahai, who is said to have stabbed his wife in the heart with a sword to "forge lightbringer", and went on to win the battle for the dawn, ending the long night.

In the books we have the Last Hero, who sought the CotF with his 12 companions, whom supposedly all died. He is said to be going around with a broken sword when on his last leg, yet is also said to have beaten the Others with a dragonsteel sword they could not resist and won the battle for the dawn. Well if they could not resist his sword, his broken sword was probably not it. The CotF don't forge weapons of steel. So how does he end up with a fancy sword after meeting them and win the battle? It says the Others were closing in on him. Yet somehow later they could not stand against him. Also, he then forms the Night Watch. Did he ever actually meet the CotF in the end? Or did he actually meet the Corpse Bride? The CotF certainly wouldn't forge him a dragonsteel sword, that's not their thing. So how does he go from a broken sword and all his companions dead, to having a sword the Others could not stand against?

We have, in the books, the 13th lord commander, ruling over the Night Fort, known as the Night's King. Well what a coincidence, the Last Hero had 12 companions, the Last Hero formed the Night's Watch, the Night's King ruled the Night's Fort. It sounds extremely likely that the Last Hero and the Night's King are the same person. But the story says he found a female Other-like being whom wooed him. Is that what the Last Hero found in the forest? The Night's King lived during the Age of Heroes. The Last Hero certainly did too, otherwise he wouldn't be a hero! So the timelines match, the stories match.

If the LH and NK and AA and CH are the same, it would go something like this:

The last hero was ruler of a fort and men who guarded it and also defended the wall(s). He sought the CotF with his companions, who all died along the way. When he was almost dead, the Others closed in on him. One of them, a female, "woos" him, probably saving his life in doing so, may well have turned him into an Other. They return together to the fort. He becomes known as the Night's King, the fort becomes the Night's Fort. His men are sworn as the Night's Watch. They start to create more Others. He possibly even resurrected his former companions, or not, but it would explain the "13th lord commander" title.

Old nan says "Night's King was only a man by light of day [...] but the night was his to rule."

Eventually, they say "Brandon the Breaker" fought the 13th lord commander. What if Brandon the Breaker is the Night's King? The DAY TIME Night's King! Brandon, by day, is looking to undo what he did, or break the curse. Cue the Azor Ahai myth: Brandon the BREAKER figures how to break the curse: he stabs himself in the heart with dragonglass (becoming the one we know as Coldhands), now no longer cursed by the queen, and stabs her in the heart with dragonsteel (a sword he has been making because the previous one broke when he had gone looking for the CotF), which as a bonus I guess creates Light Bringer, the sword he uses to fight off the Others (the one we know as Azor Ahai). The men are no longer under the curse.

Brandon the Breaker goes on to defeat/chase away the Others, and of course Joramun, King Beyond the Wall, is pretty happy about this outcome and he helps out Brandon.

It seems like it could work?

Heck, it might also mean that all Starks are descendents of the Last Hero/Azor Ahai/Coldhands/the Night's King AND HIS CORPSE BRIDE :o Assuming she survived the stabbing or assuming some who had been turned were unturned. Or not...

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9 hours ago, Thinishter Goat said:


Image result for austin powers cross eyed gif

You can use this one: :blink::)

Seriously. There are a few questions that support this crazy idea:

1- How could the Last Hero go from having a broken sword, almost dead, with the Others closing in on him, to having a sword the Others could not stand against? He was looking for the CotF. They don't forge dragonsteel swords, that's not their thing. GRRM carefully crafted this seemingly contradictory legend.

2- How did he survive if the Others killed all his 12 allies and were closing in on him? There is no mention of how he was saved? Why not? Because it should not be repeated?

3- Why did the 13th lord commander get cursed by a seemingly female Other? Why would they even meet each other?

4- Why was Azor Ahai even making a sword? One of such importance he was willing to stab his lover in the heart with it? Well we know the Last Hero sure needed a new sword, his other one was broken by the cold. You need a better weapon if the cold breaks it and you are fighting the Others.

5- Why did Old Nan say "Night's King was only a man by light of day [...] but the night was his to rule."? So he was sometimes the Night's King, sometimes not? What would he do when he wasn't? It says the Others bring the night, why? Are they unable to "rule" without the night?

6- How did Coldhands go from dead to not-so-dead?

The hypothesis above kind of explains it all:

1- The Last Hero doesn't find the CotF, the Others find him and turn him.

2- He survived thanks to that curse. Wouldn't be much of a hero though, so that is kept out of the legend.

3- See above.

4- Because the Last Hero's sword was broken by the cold, so he had to make a new sword that could defeat the Others. That's exactly what the Last Hero somehow ends up with after his previous sword broke and he was almost dead with the Others closing in...

5- Because that's how it was, he wasn't quite like the Others, still human, but only by day. But it is by day that he sought to break the curse, and it is then that he managed to forge dragonsteel and ultimately "free" or kill the corpse bride which had cursed him and his men, and it is with that sword that he then goes on to defeat the others along with Joramun.

6- Unturned himself when trying to make Light Bringer.

Lots of extrapolation yes, but it works?

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