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the honeyed locusts...


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1 hour ago, Ibbison from Ibben said:

Strong Belwas was previously a pit fighter in Meereen. He has one rather peculiar personality trait that is amply demonstrated throughout the series - he loudly proclaims what his favorite foods are. Any native of Meereen familiar with pit fighting would likely know that Belwas loved spicy honeyed locusts.

Any native of Meereen would also know that Daenerys despised Slaver's Bay cuisine. If someone was truly trying to poison Dany, locusts would be the last dish they would try.

Belwas was the target of the poisoner(s). The likely perpetrators were the women of House Pahl, which is now extinct in the male line, partly due to Belwas. It is well known that poison is a woman's weapon, after all.

Never read that one before. Seems to be sign of too much thinking (we really need the new book soon). George writes characters that are realistic and suffer from human flaws. They are not necessarily particularly smart (just ask Victarion) or perceptive (pretty much anyone but particularly Cersei and Jaime). The idea that the average Meereenese or Yunkai'i slaver would care one bit about the food preferences of a fucking (former) slave makes no sense in this context. People might remember Belwas from his days in the pits, but they would care more about the food preferences of their pets than his. Also, we know that the Yunkai'i - who were likely pushing their Meereenese kin to put down Dany now they had made their peace - really are neither clever nor competent. There were two reasonably good players among them - Yurzhak zo Yunzak and Yezzan zo Qagaz. But even they wouldn't bother themselves with the details of a poisoning plot executed by their underlings.

There is also no reason that anyone in Meereen would keep track of Dany's eating habits. Whoever wanted to poison her may, for quite some time, only have known that he or she wanted to kill her, not how it would be done. More importantly, there is ample evidence that Hizdahr zo Loraq didn't know/care about Dany's food preferences considering that he offered her the locusts. If her consort doesn't give a damn what's the chance that anybody else does? And did whoever decided to poison the locusts ever have the opportunity to not only eat with her but actually collect data on her favorite dishes? Many had an opportunity for the former, but the latter? Not many. And those who had the latter opportunity - like, say, Skahaz - could have finished off Dany much more easily in her own apartments. He himself had access to her and access to her guardsmen. He controlled the Brazen Beasts, after all.

The Pahls were never invited/feasted by Dany. And if they wanted to kill Belwas they could have finished him off the way the Sons of the Harpy finished a lot of their targets.

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