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NBA Playoffs 2019 - Kawhi So Serious?!


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Another example of how TV and newspaper people just want to be popular.  It's why they got on TV or magazines.    Accurate information, emphasis, and bias is something nobody has the stomach for or inclination toward.  Popularilty seekers don't tend to have backbones.  So we get info-tainment instead of journalism, with blame being assigned to scapegoats picked for their unpopularity. 

 Our media is failing to do any better than kids playing a game of Telephone as they relay halfassed shreds of news to us in a deeply irresponsible manner that has the nation tearing itself apart politically for 2 years over a non-starter in any sane world.

  As with Magic Johnson going blameless, so too Russia escapes notice as our real, active, ongoing foe while we inexplicably make our own administration into the enemy because... making up stuff to reinforce your audience's egregious tantrum over losing an election is easier and more fun than facing down a real enemy that actually exists.   

So we turn against ourselves and weaken and divide our nation, choosing the fan service delusion over facing the reality that is!  It's a cultural suicide movement!  That's the lead story being buried here.  Our own media is ganking us, daily fueling the bile of each side in the effort to stir up a civil war of some kind because, looking at them, you can tell they won't be satisfied with anything less.   Our soulless media overlords have realized they can say and do whatever without accountability.  Judas our guide,  Brian Williams.  It'd be better for the world if the media drew their conclusions and asigned blame totally at random by playing pin the tail on the donkey in the newsroom.   Which is sad.  Because pin the tail on the donkey shouldn't be something nobler to aspire to.  Yet that's where we are.  We're a species of petulant children who no longer know shame (see Jesse Smolett's resurrection) and thus have no means of outgrowing this tantrum phase and becoming an adult culture.   We're So Screwed.   .....Back to you at the sports desk, Jim.

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