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Will the NK be defeated next...

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What are the chances of them defeating the NK next episode? And they spend the rest of the season dealing with Cersei? I REALLY HOPE THIS ISNT THE CASE but, I’ve seen a lot of people speculate about this. I for one originally thought the season would go like this:

1st: they lose the battle of Winterfell 

2nd: retreat south and MAYBE run into the golden company 

3rd: Golden company realizing that Jon and dany(if both are still alive)are targs  decide to fight for them...then they take on the NK once more. Defeating him this time.

(I realize that the season is probably far too short for all of that above to occur:frown5: )

its just all the hype around this next episode...it feels like and sounds like a series finale. Even though there’s still a couple more episodes after this one. It’s just that with the season being so short...there’s not really time for much is there?

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NK will dodge them somehow in next episode, won't get yet destroyed. The battle at Winterfell won't be over during next episode, the people in Winterfell will be trapped there surrounded by wights, when NK is in Kings Landing turning Cersei to wight.


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He will be fine after next episode. I would guess Episode 4 he dies at some point. 5 deals with mainly Cersei while 6 ties up a lot of lose ends.

I don't think the final battle with Cersei will be what everyone thinks it will be, I.E., some massive battle taking forever.

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