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Is HBO the real culprit?


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Afaik HBO wanted as many seasons and episodes as possible out of the franchise.

It was D&D who, being tired of working with GoT at this point (and it really, really shows), went for fewer episodes so they could wrap it up quicker and move on to other projects.

Ultimately, their laziness and obsession to quickly finish something they've been working on for 10 long years will cause the entire show to go out with a depressing "...meh", being a shadow of the great thing it once was.

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I've been watching HBO on and off since Tales From the Crypt in the 90's. Asside from the cancellation of Rome (which at the time was THE MOST expensive show ever made) I've had no complaints. They treat their properties with respect and usually don't meddle in the creative process. It's definetly D&D.

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