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Who is now ruling in the 7 Kingdoms

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I am trying to figure out who is ruling in the 9 administrative regions of the 7 Kingdoms on the show, and I thought I should post my thoughts, to see if I'm missing anything.

Crownlands: Queen Cersei Lannister (not sure how she became Queen, since it was never explained on the show).

North: Jon Snow I believe.  He is referred to as the Warden of the North, but he doesn't seem to be a lord with his own castle, since Sansa is addressed as Lady of Winterfell, which implies the castle is hers.  Allegiance: Queen Daenerys Targaryen

Riverlands:  Status unknown.  On the show the lord of the Riverlands is Walder Frey (not Littlefinger), but he's dead, and there has been no mention of who succeeded him.  I am guessing since Cersei promised the castle to Bronn, that she's still in control of the area.  But I am guessing her control isn't strong if Jon and his army can ride through the area on their way to King's Landing.  As for who is in control of the Twins, I am guessing one of Walder Frey's daughters.

Vale: R. Arryn.  Allegiance: Queen Daenerys I am guessing, although I am not sure how up to date R. Arryn is with the developments up north.  Plus, we haven't seen Yohn Royce at all after the battle of Winterfell.  Is it possible that his army returned to the Vale before the battle?

Iron Islands:  Yara Greyjoy, according to Varys.  Allegiance: Daenerys

Westerlands: The unsullied had conquered Casterly Rock, although there is no indication they left anyone there to control the castle.  It seems that Cersei has also abandoned it.

Stormlands:  Dany asked if anyone knows who is the Lord of Storm's End, and no one had a clue.  It seems that the area is abandoned.

The Reach:  All the named Tyrells are dead, however there were some Tyrell cousins in KL with Margaery.  Maybe one of them has inherited Highgarden?  I doubt it if Tyrion wants to give it to Bronn.  Who is in control of the region?  Jaime had named Randyll Tarly, but he's dead.  Is his daughter the lady of the Reach?  Are the Lannisters still in control or not?  I truly have no idea.

Dorne: Ruled by the Prince of Dorne, according to Varys.  Allegiance: Queen Daenerys

North of the Wall:  Currently with a population of 0, unless some of Crasters wives/daughters have survived.  The wildlings are planning to return to the area now that the White walkers are dead.

Am I missing anything?  I feel that Cersei only controls the Crownlands (with the exception of Dragonstone).


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