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Kingswood Brotherhood - Houses


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Is it possible they were all members of Stormland Houses? Could they have been disaffected Stormlander nobles? We know Simon was of House Toyne and Wenda was possibly from house Cafferen. What houses would you associate them with if they were? 

Simon Toyne - House Toyne
The Smiling Knight
Wenda the White Fawn - House Cafferen?
Oswyn Longneck the Thrice-Hanged
Big Belly Ben
Fletcher Dick

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I think that Simon Toyne was brother of Myles Toyne, captain-general of Golden Company, and that the Smiling Knight was also connected to Blackfyres. While Wenda the White Fawn was not only a member of House Cafferen, but also a descendant of Duncan the Tall and mother of Brienne Tarth, and now she is using aliase Pretty Meris (member of Windblown sellswords company in Essos). And Big Belly Ben is Strong Belvas. And Oswyn Longneck was one of "Kettleblacks", while Kettleblacks are actually Whents. Oswell Kettleblack could be an ex-Kingsguard Oswell Whent, or he is Oswell's brother, Walter Whent (Walter took his brother's name as an aliase, and now is living under name Oswell Kettleblack). While Osmund, Osfryd and Osney Kettleblacks are actually three out of four sons of Shella Whent and Walter Whent, and Oswyn Longneck is the fourth son. Fletcher Dick could be Dick Crabb (the guy that Brienne met at Maidenpool). And Ulmer is just a smallfolk, that's why all the rest of Kingswood Brotherhood either managed to escape or were killed, and only Ulmer was captured and forced to join Night's Watch. Or something like that.

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Interesting idea, I have written about Calla Blackfyre's name and it's connection to Disney princess Calla and Kingswood Brotherhood before, I think Smiling Knight and Wenda the White Fawn are Blackfyres descendant from Daemon IV family and left Tyrosh after Maelys' attack. Wenda could be named after Wendwater which would make them descendants of Daemon III instead. I suspect Oswyn is from Riverlands since Os- names are used more in that region.  


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I was thinking Big Belly Ben could be one of the descendant of Lucamore the Lusty. Several of his wives and children were banished to the Stormlands. Almost all of the Strongs were giants of men and physically strong as their name suggests. Ben is supposed to be a pastiche of Little John and Friar Tuck. A possible grave of Little John was found in Hathersgate and the skeleton indicated a man between seven and eight feet tall. I suspect Big Belly Ben was a mountainous man of both height and girth and that would work for being a Strong.

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