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Why did GRRM make Arianne 6 years older than Aegon VI?

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Because Arianne was supposed to marry Viserys. And why does everyone assumes she will marry Aegon VI? She doesn't know anything about her cousin, doesn't know anything about Jon Connington, doesn't have a single person in her group that actually knows the Griffin Lord, doubts the legitimacy of Aegon, and fixated on Daenerys' return and the dragons. 

Actually another reason for her odd age is the AFFC Martell retcon. Pre-AFFC Doran was married to a young woman likely to outlive him, so Tywin can't marry Cersei to Doran, but in AFFC we learn Mellario left Doran years ago, he is free to marry if High Septon can divorce them. I think it is possible Arianne was supposed to be the young wife of Doran, with Trystane their first child, and has a relationship with Arys Oakheart, and achieve power over IT by crowning her good daughter, but GRRM seem to retcon this. 

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