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Side characters you wanna see less and more

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Mind you about who is considered a minor/major character, but these are my picks:



Aeron, though I doubt he'll be alive long into TWOW
Barristan Selmy - I'm not saying his chapters were bad, but theres still little revealed from his side regarding the past and frankly with only 2 books left, I'm content if GRRM was to cut down on him
Theon- Yes, have your redemption Theon, but don't take so utterly much time for it. Idk why, but Theon just never got to me. Not wishing him bad, but same as Barry Bold, I don't mind his input limited
Areo Hotah - Ugh. I did not enjoy.


The Hound - I would love a pov if he is indeed the gravedigger. He's just a really intriguing character. Or alt a POV that interacts with him a lot.
Aurane Waters - He's never been a POV, but id totally love to hear what he's planning to do with all the ships he stole from Cersei
Willas Tyrell I would LOVE a pov or generally more about him. A character that's into reading, mature, maimed, good with animals, an heir to the biggest army in Westeros AND not mad at Oberyn/Dorne for the issue with his leg? Plus check out his siblings and his grandmother...he had great potential!


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More: fAegon, Jon Connington, Barristan Selmy, Quaithe, Bloodraven, Varys.

Less: (even though not all of them are sides) Cersei, Sansa, Jaime, Brienne, Tommen, Margaery, everyone in Dorne and from Iron Islands.

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7 minutes ago, Megorova said:

More: fAegon, Jon Connington, Barristan Selmy, Quaithe, Bloodraven, Varys.

Less: (even though not all of them are sides) Cersei, Sansa, Jaime, Brienne, Tommen, Margaery, everyone in Dorne and from Iron Islands.

Well cersei sansa jaime brienne tommen and marg are not side characters which kinda defeats the point of the post, but thanks for you input! I think it is pretty clear that you are a Targaryen/Blackfyre fan

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1 hour ago, Baelor 'Breakspear' said:

Well cersei sansa jaime brienne tommen and marg are not side characters which kinda defeats the point of the post, but thanks for you input! I think it is pretty clear that you are a Targaryen/Blackfyre fan

Margaery and Tommen, even though they are important characters, they don't have a POV, and any character without a POV is a side character. If you meant only minor side characters (but is there really anyone like that in ASOIAF?, because no matter where you look - nearly all characters are important), then I want to see -

more of Tormund (even though he's not exactly minor), Dolorous Edd (for his charming highly optimistic personality), Edric Dayne and Gerold Dayne (more info about Ashara, Starfall, Dawn), Loras Tyrell (if he's still alive), Blackfish Tully, maester Marwyn.

Less of Penny (this story won't go anywhere), less of Val (this plot thread also isn't going anywhere, Jon isn't going to chose her over duty, or over Starks. If he will leave NW, then he will go back to Winterfell, and won't stay beyond The Wall with that snow queen), both Boltons, the Sparrows (I hope that this part of the plot will be over soon, then there will be more space for other more interesting plot-lines).

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Less:  Greyjoys, except Asha;  everybody in Dorne;  everybody from Meereen (Dany's entourage: Barritan, Missandei, Grey Worm, etc., is OK, though).

More:  Meera Reed;  Podrick Payne;  Wylla Manderly;  Jeyne Poole;  Tyrells (Willas, Garlan, Margaery);  Sarella Sand, aka Alleras the Sphinx;  Sandor Clegane;  the Daynes

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Less: Areo Hotah. I know he was useful as a means of more thoroughly introducing the reader to Prince Doran, but I don't think he adds much weight as a character.

Aeron Damphair. I think his story has reached its end.

More: Benjen Stark (obviously), Garlan Tyrell, Marwyn the Mage, Quaithe

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