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Character community opinion #2

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Hey! this is a series where I list a character and you tell me what you think about him ( Complex, boring, Overrated, underrated, interesting, love, hate ) do an analysis about him, theories about him, your opinion, predictions maybe even do a ranking of something (best character,fighter,interesting,underrated,overrated) and put the character there. You can do a whole essay or respond with a single word


The objective of this is to see what the aSoIaF community thinks about some specific characters and I am planning to do a series. 


With that being said the second character is: Mace Tyrell

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Book!Mace seems to be an underrated player. As @Jova Snow said, I have the feeling that Olenna purposefully paints Mace as an oaf, though it may also be that she herself is not really aware of her son's scheming abilities. So far we have not directly seen or heard much about him, but there is certain background information that does imply he is a ''healthy'' player of the Game of Thrones.

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Very healthy appetite. Giving his 2nd son Brightwater Keep is friggin ballsy. But overall not a terrible guy, perhaps the wrong person to pair with Cercei. High garden had it’s shit together coming into KL. No way the Lord of highgarden is a complete moron but he’s also been shown to be a hard liner when necessary but all in all has made decisions and attempted others that prove he’s not the brilliant patriarch others like Tywin are portrayed as

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The siege of Storm's End should have ended better for him.  He had Stannis in the ropes.  His birth right gave him the authority to lead the army but his skill was not up to the task.  He was the wrong man for the job.  Westeros teenagers don't have to take the Senior Cooter Preference Test to determine what occupation they should be fit for.  


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"Do you know my son, Sansa? Lord Puff Fish of Highgarden?"

"A great lord," Sansa answered politely.

"A great oaf," said the Queen of Thorns.



The stupidity of Mace is staggering and can often be amusing at times.

The new King's Hand was seated on an oaken throne carved in the shape of a hand, an absurd vanity his lordship had produced the day Ser Kevan agreed to grant him the office he coveted.

But its not just silly chairs to comfort his hubris; but his take on modern politics is often supported with his own merit from Ashford.

"Your father is an able soldier," King Stannis said. "He defeated my brother once, at Ashford. Mace Tyrell has been pleased to claim the honors for that victory, but Lord Randyll had decided matters before Tyrell ever found the battlefield. He slew Lord Cafferen with that great Valyrian sword of his and sent his head to Aerys."

He agrees on giving half of Westeros away to Greyjoy to annihilate the remnants Florent army on Dragonstone,

"And if we accept this alliance?" inquired Lord Mathis Rowan. "What terms does he propose?"

"That we recognize his kingship and grant him everything north of the Neck."

Lord Redwyne laughed. "What is there north of the Neck that any sane man would want? If Greyjoy will trade swords and sails for stone and snow, I say do it, and count ourselves llucky.

"Truly," agreed Mace Tyrell. "That's what I would do. Let King Balon finish the northmen whilst we finish Stannis."

Before deciding that Robb will make his way up north

Mace Tyrell spoke up. "Is there anything as pointless as a king without a kingdom? No, it's plain, the boy must abandon the riverlands, join his forces to Roose Bolton's once more, and throw all his strength against Moat Cailin. That is what I would do."

“Throw all his strength against Moat Cailin”. I am sure that is what Mace Tyrell would do, despite that never having worked in the history of Westeros.

The fool makes me laugh; Fom stammering about guests to a wedding

"Your Grace," said Grand Maester Pycelle, "in regard to the number of guests . . . we have had a raven from Sunspear. Three hundred Dornishmen are riding toward King's Landing as we speak, and hope to arrive before the wedding."

"How do they come?" asked Mace Tyrell gruffly. "They have not asked leave to cross my lands." His thick neck had turned a dark red

To stammering about his family at a funeral 

Littlefinger had a nose for gold, I grant you, but Garth—”

“My lord,” Cersei broke in, “I fear there has been some misunderstanding. I have asked Lord Gyles Rosby to serve as our new master of coin, and he has done me the honor of accepting.”

Mace gaped at her. “Rosby? That . . . cougher? But . . . the matter was agreed, Your Grace. Garth is on his way to Oldtown.”

“Best send a raven to Lord Hightower and ask him to make certain your uncle does not take ship. We would hate for Garth to brave an autumn sea for nought.” She smiled pleasantly.

A flush crept up Tyrell’s thick neck. “This . . . your lord father assured me . . .” He began to sputter.

Mace is always good for a nice laugh

"Storm's End." Lord Mace Tyrell grunted the words. "He cannot take Storm's End. Not if he were Aegon the Conqueror. And if he does, what of it? Stannis holds it now. Let the castle pass from one pretender to another, why should that trouble us? I shall recapture it after my daughter's innocence is proved."

How can you recapture it when you have never captured it to begin with?

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