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U.S. Politics: Pedophilia is Just Acosta Doin' Business

Jace, Extat

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5 hours ago, The Anti-Targ said:

I guess as long as you get the suffering over and done with quickly you can pretend it never happened, or wasn't really that bad. One benefit of meeting violence with non-violence is everyone watching knows who the arsehole is.

That’s very much a crock of shit and pushes some gigantic revisionist history. Look at the peaceful protests of King. Mostly everyone watching thought King was the asshole. Mostly everyone that watched as protesters at Kent state were shit at thought the protesters were in the wrong. Like I said, this country loves to fetishize non violence. 


Violence by the the state is justified, (people in here are guilty of doing that), violence against an oppressive state that has shown itself to be violent against the non violent, even kids and babies, is not. Some fucked up logic in that end.

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1 hour ago, Tywin et al. said:

You know better than this. Pointing your finger and screaming racist just because you dislike someone only enables the president to get away with basically telling four minority women in Congress to go back to Africa.  

I'm talking about concentration camps, bucko. I don't see the "adults" making a lot of progress. 

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3 hours ago, Tywin et al. said:

Good, then you’ll agree to drop the awful tactics you’re advocating for.

Seriously dude, if you’re for achieving progress, and actually want those ends, you’ll sit these affairs out so that the adults can accomplish them.

Are you calling me a racist? What adults are gonna actually achieve progress? Your white libs that give funding to a white supremacist party that is caging people, including children and babies, in concentration camps? The ones that attack the women of  color in their party harder than the racists in control of the senate and in the White House? 


Your civility and nativity don’t make you mature here, nor does it mean you’re reading the situation correctly. 

1 hour ago, Zorral said:

Nancy Pelosi walked right into that one.  Her attacks on these women was something he seized upon with his full racist glee, knowing how much more division he would be creating.

Pelosi is always given so much credit for her astute political intelligence.  She blew it badly.

come on, her sarcastic clap means she’s playing 4d chess!

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1 hour ago, Tywin et al. said:

You know better than this. Pointing your finger and screaming racist just because you dislike someone only enables the president to get away with basically telling four minority women in Congress to go back to Africa.  

Thinking people are just screaming racist because they don’t like someone, completely ignoring the fact some people don’t like Pelosi and call her a racist for her heavy handiness aimed at women of color over the past 2 years that has been harsher than what she has aimed at Trump. She is a racist. She’s not as overtly racist as Trump, who is clearly a white supremacist, but Pelosi is absolutely a casually racist liberal white woman.

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26 minutes ago, Bonnot OG said:

Mostly everyone watching thought King was the asshole.

That's an entirely facile accounting of history.  King was popular - and one of the most admired - until his approval degraded during the last years of his life:


In 1963, King had a 41% positive and a 37% negative rating; in 1964, it was 43% positive and 39% negative; in 1965, his rating was 45% positive and 45% negative; and in 1966 -- the last Gallup measure of King using this scalometer procedure -- it was 32% positive and 63% negative.

Gallup did not measure King in 1967 or 1968.

Why was this?  First, because he changed focus from desegregating the South to attacking segregation and poverty in the North*:


King's popularity began to wane after he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Carson said that King began to lose his momentum as he moved his attention from civil rights in the south to the north— to Chicago to tackle segregation and poverty among black Americans.

"It is one thing to talk about the desegregation of the University of Alabama," he said. "It's quite another thing to talk about the desegregation of neighborhoods in Chicago."

Second, later, he went after Vietnam, which further degraded his popularity.

*I also think it's not a surprise that his numbers started going down in 1965, when the VRA passed and the CRA passed the previous year.  Pretty sure white people lost interest after that.

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1 hour ago, Bonnot OG said:

That’s very much a crock of shit and pushes some gigantic revisionist history. Look at the peaceful protests of King. Mostly everyone watching thought King was the asshole. Mostly everyone that watched as protesters at Kent state were shit at thought the protesters were in the wrong. Like I said, this country loves to fetishize non violence. 

That's the point. Progress towards addressing a social injustice  takes time and often amounts to  more than throwing bombs around. But if dramatic change isn't happening right immediately after trying something , then it's waste of time to you. It is childish to think like that. 

Honestly, I see your stance as even as ludicrous as  the right-wing militias you've deluded themselves into thinking that they could overthrow the government if the government becomes tyrannical(or something they don't like). 


You like them  provide nothing to justify your thought process. You expect violence to garners more immediate results to your liking because...nothing really. You've given no rationale on how any such actions would do anything but energize the right. That the government with the strongest military on earth, will not  be cowed because some no bodies, with no political power, or backing from a significant portion of the population throwing some bombs. 

But it feels good to you, to see bad men have bad things happen to them.

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1 hour ago, Bonnot OG said:

Thinking people are just screaming racist because they don’t like someone, completely ignoring the fact some people don’t like Pelosi and call her a racist for her heavy handiness aimed at women of color over the past 2 years that has been harsher than what she has aimed at Trump. She is a racist. She’s not as overtly racist as Trump, who is clearly a white supremacist, but Pelosi is absolutely a casually racist liberal white woman.

It's so curious -- NOT! -- that so many (including posters here) are so concerned about not offending white people no matter how overtly racist they speak and behave. 

Yet none of those so concerned folks are in the least concerned about these overtly racist speeches and behaviors, as well as the dog whistling speech and behavior, offends the people at which it is aimed. 

Instead the targets of racism are told 1) it's not racist; 2) it's not intended to be racist; 3) calling someone out for her racism hurts their feelings so don't do it; 4) calling someone out for his racism makes them angry, so don't do it; 5) just suck it up and we'll deal with it -- later.

What we hear is that calling out racism does no good.  So what should be done instead?  O, right, suck it up and wait.

19 minutes ago, Varysblackfyre321 said:

That's the point. Progress towards addressing a social injustice  takes time and often amounts to  more than throwing bombs around. But if dramatic change isn't happening right immediately after trying something , then it's waste of time to you. It is childish to think like that. 

You know, people in this country have been waiting for 500 years.  When does the time for waiting run out?

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Stephen King

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First, you stoke hatred and fear of minorities. Then you round them up and put them in camps. Next, you send out raiding parties to get those who have been driven into hiding. The armbands come next right?


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3 hours ago, Zorral said:

Puerto Ricans rose up and demonstrated around the governor's mansion -- he has been revealed to not only be corrupt, stealing all the fema funds and much else, but racist, a fellow right up the TVillain's alley.  What do you think of them?


My opinion is this is what we should be doing at the White House, every single day, 24/7.  As they are doing in Hong Kong.

I think the reaction of Puerto Ricans is damn excellent. So far as I can tell there's not a lone nut job running around burning shit. It's a civil protest.

What's happening in Hong Kong stokes my hope for the future of democracy, because a full third of the city was marching last month. Y'know a massive movement like I've been saying is necessary for achieving political upheaval.

And Americans are lazy assholes. That's why there aren't crowds fifty deep ringing the white house and Senate building every day. Also like I've been saying. 

Bro, I know you're frustrated. But no one has the right to go around like Batman declaring "people need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy" as justification for endangering others. You gotta have support.

42 minutes ago, Zorral said:


You know, people in this country have been waiting for 500 years.  When does the time for waiting run out?

When there's a viable plan. What's your plan, Z? That getting mad and burning shit is magically gonna save the day? That's only going to empower Trump to arm ICE with combat armor and fucking tanks probably. And then what?

What is your plan???

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1 minute ago, Jace, Basilissa said:

I think the reaction of Puerto Ricans is damn excellent. So far as I can tell there's not a lone nut job running around burning shit. It's a civil protest.

What's happening in Hong Kong stokes my hope for the future of democracy, because a full third of the city was marching last month. Y'know a massive movement like I've been saying is necessary for achieving political upheaval.

And Americans are lazy assholes. That's why there aren't crowds fifty deep ringing the white house and Senate building every day. Also like I've been saying. 

Bro, I know you're frustrated. But no one has the right to go around like Batman declaring "people need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy" as justification for endangering others. You gotta have support.

When there's a viable plan. What's your plan, Z? That getting mad and burning shit is magically gonna save the day? That's only going to empower Trump to arm ICE with combat armor and fucking tanks probably. And then what?

What is your plan???

What exactly is your plan? Exactly how much nothing do you think it will require to stop operating concentration camps for infants?

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12 minutes ago, Jace, Basilissa said:

I think the reaction of Puerto Ricans is damn excellent. So far as I can tell there's not a lone nut job running around burning shit. It's a civil protest.

What's happening in Hong Kong stokes my hope for the future of democracy, because a full third of the city was marching last month. Y'know a massive movement like I've been saying is necessary for achieving political upheaval.

And Americans are lazy assholes. That's why there aren't crowds fifty deep ringing the white house and Senate building every day. Also like I've been saying. 

Bro, I know you're frustrated. But no one has the right to go around like Batman declaring "people need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy" as justification for endangering others. You gotta have support.

When there's a viable plan. What's your plan, Z? That getting mad and burning shit is magically gonna save the day? That's only going to empower Trump to arm ICE with combat armor and fucking tanks probably. And then what?

What is your plan???

What is your plan? o one who fantasizes she's empress Irene of Constantinople, hmmmmmmmmm? (Empress Irene killed her own son btw, since she felt he threatened her exercise of power as basilissa.)Basil

I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything, but your naivety sometimes ....

I am continuing with my plan which is supporting all the young activist women of color in my world, with money, with personal presence, and contribution of whatever of my skills are useful for their plans and projects, which includes tracking down assholes where they live and making their hidey holes public so people can call them out in public.  Landlords who are gouging and harrassing tenants really hate it when a crowd shows up outside their own homes with signs and sound systems, press and social media.

Not all of them are dealing with overtly political targets either.  Many of them are community cultural leaders in the arts, particularly that of the culture that sustains the community and families over generations in their religion, their music and dance.  What these women can do with $20 is ... well, frackin' astonishing ... particularly down there in Puerto Rico, whose inhabitants, let us not forget, are United States citizens and have the right to vote.

When this asshole is resurrecting if you don't like here get out of the country of the era of agitation of voting rights etc., is unbelievable.  If he doesn't like it here he should go join his handler, Putin, or the guy in Saudi. 

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Probably a good idea not to go into great detail as to how you plan to combat the scenarios being brought up lol. Good way to get heavily surveilled & have people in windbreakers with yellow lettering sifting through your trash & installing surveillance cams put on trees or telephone poles across your home. 

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The Activist Left Already Knows Who They Want For President


They want Elizabeth Warren, the progressive senator from Massachusetts, to be their next president. And if they have to pick a second choice? It’s Senator Kamala Harris of California.

It’s not necessarily intuitive that the same person would support both women: Warren is a folksy public-school teacher turned anti-corruption advocate, while the blazer-wearing Harris is more of an establishment type, with a long career climbing the ranks of power in California. Warren has pledged not to hold high-dollar fundraising events in favor of grassroots-style meet and greets, while Hollywood heavyweights have been some of Harris’s biggest campaign boosters.

But in interviews with two dozen progressive activists at Netroots, most people told me that, while they prefer Warren, they’d choose Harris if things were to go south for the Massachusetts lawmaker. They view both senators as passionate and capable. Some even suggested that the two women should run on the same ticket. “They bring different things to the table, but one thing is clear when you talk to each of them: their competency,” Rod Sullivan, a 53-year-old attendee from Iowa City told me. They would operate differently as presidents, he added. But each of them “could do this.”


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15 minutes ago, Inigima said:

What exactly is your plan? Exactly how much nothing do you think it will require to stop operating concentration camps for infants?

That shit ain't gonna stop. I've revised my expectations to fit the reality I live in. Republicans are fully on board with white supremacy and concentration camps... what do you want from me? I live in the real world, pal. If half of the political spectrum says these things are up for debate I don't get to choose otherwise. That's part of being a small d democrat. 

I try to operate in the system we have because it's not going away and the shit Bonnot and Zorral are advocating is just going to make the crackbacks worse.

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Just listening to some Mark Lauder defending tvillain by outright lying -- and the ATC guy isn't even calling him out on that -- saying these women support al-queda, want Israel destroyed, etc. things none of them have ever said.

These people are trying to make us shoot first, but they've been shooting all along, like the southerners were, long before Fort Sumter.

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Just now, Zorral said:

Just listening to some Mark Lauder defending tvillain by outright lying -- and the ATC guy isn't even calling him out on that -- saying these women support al-queda, want Israel destroyed, etc. things none of them have ever said.

These people are trying to make us shoot first, but they've been shooting all along, like the southerners were, long before Fort Sumter.

We just need to keep giving the bigots platforms & let their white supremacy continue to be legitimized. It totally doesn’t help people with the white washing and facile statement that waters down their bigotry to just an opinion, like there is no weight behind it or it isn’t dangerous. But just an opinion like white bread tastes better than wheat bread. 

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7 minutes ago, Jace, Basilissa said:

That shit ain't gonna stop. I've revised my expectations to fit the reality I live in. Republicans are fully on board with white supremacy and concentration camps... what do you want from me? I live in the real world, pal. If half of the political spectrum says these things are up for debate I don't get to choose otherwise. That's part of being a small d democrat. 

I try to operate in the system we have because it's not going away and the shit Bonnot and Zorral are advocating is just going to make the crackbacks worse.

Ah, who said I advocated?  I recognize what is inevitable.  And doing nothing will not put stop the inevitable, no matter how scared you are -- even while talking as violent as anyone, while "revising your expectations."  The sky is falling, i.e the USA is insane, the earth's climate is killing, the oceans are toxic and white people are the minority, and it ain't the 18th century anymore.  Ask the slaveowners in San Domingue.

History teaches us this, whether anyone will learn or not.  This shit isn't a game, or social media either.

And YOU still haven't said what you are doing or what your plan is, other than -- being scared and telling the rest of us to lie down, roll over and shut up.


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12 minutes ago, Jace, Basilissa said:

That shit ain't gonna stop. I've revised my expectations to fit the reality I live in. Republicans are fully on board with white supremacy and concentration camps... what do you want from me? I live in the real world, pal. If half of the political spectrum says these things are up for debate I don't get to choose otherwise. That's part of being a small d democrat. 

I try to operate in the system we have because it's not going away and the shit Bonnot and Zorral are advocating is just going to make the crackbacks worse.

Yea because letting them do what they want totally won’t mean they are embolden to crack down on opposition anyway. It’s almost like history is repeating itself and people ignore how the Nazis rose to power and how appeasing these bigots just because a portion of the country wants it is a bad idea and still leads down the dark road people think will happen if you violently oppose them.


they play victim regardless of how you oppose them. 


Playing by the rules with fascists never works. Ever.

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1 minute ago, Zorral said:

Ah, who said I advocated?  I recognize what is inevitable.  And doing nothing will not put stop the inevitable, no matter how scared you are -- even while talking as violent as anyone, while "revising your expectations."  The sky is falling, i.e the USA is insane, the earth's climate is killing, the oceans are toxic and white people are the minority, and it ain't the 18th century anymore.  Ask the slaveowners in San Domingue.

History teaches us this, whether anyone will learn or not.


Well you confused me, then, and I apologize for misrepresenting your intent.

I will state again, I'm a democrat.  When popular will reaches a point where mass riots are occurring then I'll be down there with them. But 95% of this country (that's a guess cause they don't poll numbers for toppling the government), including most of the folks being persecuted, are not ready for that. I don't believe I get to force my beliefs on others without popular will. Full stop.

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