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The rhoynar in Yeen as a horror novella?

Alyn Oakenfist

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Think about it, all we know as of now is that some rhoynar went to a city made of black stone abandoned for centuries in which even the rainforest would not go in and one year later they were all gone. Like this could be a great horror novella. I don't wanna give George more ideas of things to do before ADOS, but it could work really well, kinda like ,,The Terror" (either the book or the TV series).

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I would love to read a horror novel from Martin, that takes place in the Ice and Fire universe. The story of Aerea in Fire and Blood for example clearly shows, that the man is capable of writing one. I would also love to read stories from further, more exotic lands someday, so a novel that takes place mainly in Sothoryos, sounds very appealing to me. But yeah, if I could choose, I would ask for TWOW and ADOS before anything else. :)

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