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The lie of the 7

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In AFFC Brienne bumps into the future High Septon. He is traveling with a wagon full of bones. He tells Brienne:

"The sparrow is the humblest and most common of birds, as we are the humblest and most common of men." The septon had a lean sharp face and a short beard, grizzled grey and brown. His thin hair was pulled back and knotted behind his head, and his feet were bare and black, gnarled and hard as tree roots. "These are the bones of holy men, murdered for their faith. They served the Seven even unto death. Some starved, some were tortured. Septs have been despoiled, maidens and mothers raped by godless men and demon worshipers. Even silent sisters have been molested. Our Mother Above cries out in her anguish. It is time for all anointed knights to forsake their worldly masters and defend our Holy Faith. Come with us to the city, if you love the Seven."

When Cersei goes to visit the high septon the immense statue of Baelor the blessed was knee high deep in skulls. WhenCersei demands an answer, one of the sparrows recites word for word the same thing that the High Septon told Brienne:

A one-legged man stepped forward, leaning on a wooden crutch. "Your Grace, these are the bones of holy men and women, murdered for their faith. Septons, septas, brothers brown and dun and green, sisters white and blue and grey. Some were hanged, some disemboweled. Septs have been despoiled, maidens and mothers raped by godless men and demon worshipers. Even silent sisters have been molested. The Mother Above cries out in her anguish. We have brought their bones here from all over the realm, to bear witness to the agony of the Holy Faith."

Word for word the same exact response. Why? And why lie?

At this point in the story, the war of the 5 kings is over, Tommen is on the throne, Stannis in the north, Renly dead, Robb Stark dead, Balon Greyjoy (or any Greyjoy for that matter hasn’t made his or her move, Euron’ is about to seize power) The mountain and his scum are back in KL not ravaging the smallfolk. These are bones of all men, women, and children possibly accrued over years not just followers of the 7. 

They’re lying because they’re trying solidify their position of power, Before the Targaryens came and conquered Westeros, the faith of the 7 was the most powerful institution in Westeros. 

According to the app, The Quiet Isle: 

“The Quiet Isle- So named because of its Septry, where most of the brothers are sworn to silence- is found in the shallows near Saltpans, at the mouth of the Trident. Those who know the right path can walk to it at low tide and barely get wet. Led by the Elder Brother, the brothers of the Quiet Isle observe their holy silence and rituals and labor industriously in the name of the Smith. They also maintain cottages for women who are ill or with child, so that they can be attended and their children take in as orphans.”

Read the last sentence again. That means these fanatics, murder the women and keep the bones and the new born babe. They could have 1000’s of bones buried on the island or in the cave. And whose to say anything? All its inhabitants are religious fanatics who have taken a vow of silence (they’re permitted to speak 1 day in 7) but even if they did speak about this, who are they speaking to? Other fanatics who live the same life. 

So where am I going with this? Was this really that important? Anyone who says “no, what a waste a time.” I ask you to re-read this sentence, “They also maintain cottages for women who are ill or with child, so that they can be attended and their children take in as orphans.” You cant be a orphan unless both of your parents are dead/missing. Clearly mommy wasn’t dead when she went to Quiet Isle... 

The faith of the 7 is a giant lie, they worship 1 god and it’s the god of death- THE WEIRWOOD TREES!

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It is close to word for word to show that it is a common message that has gotten through to lots of Septons and adherents to the Fot7 across much of Westeros. Most of them can't read, so hearing the same thing over and over creates a common message. That is how "ye olde news" traveled and how songs/epics were made and spread.

As for 'orphans,' maybe they call them orphans so the poor women who probably had their husbands/family murdered and were raped by bandits/soldiers can have the child and not have the stigma of having a bastard child without a husband. Why leap to outlandish conclusions?


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