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Dragon in the 2019 videogame

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Often, alleged clips from the 2019 videogame https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_of_Thrones:_Winter_Is_Coming intrude into any Youtube video. In one of them, a miner working in a mine (I will call him X) digs up a dragon egg. He takes it home and hatches it in a fire. The hatchling is somewhat orangey red. The next shot shows a gang or army attacking a settlement.  X runs out of his house and whistles loudly, sounding as if he had 2 fingers in his mouth. The dragon, now much bigger, flies to him. The dragon, apparently riderless, lands between the attackers and the defenders, X, armed, appears from nowhere in front of the dragon confonting the attackers, among a frame of luminous lines and game score numbers, as if the dragon has somehow magically delivered him (and as if the game author's CGI men had not found how to make footage of a man mounting or riding on or dismounting from a dragon). The clip ends, but presumably the attackers are defeated or driven off.


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