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What was Cat thinking when she took Tyrion?

Alyn Oakenfist

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31 minutes ago, Frey family reunion said:

Your first example is an interesting one.  I don't know for sure, but I think there is some ambiguity as to who's authority the Gift really is.  Is it the Night's Watch?  Technically yes, but it doesn't seem like they ever established a presence there.  It's also smack dab in the middle of the Mountain Clans, so one of the clans may claim jurisdicition of any crimes committed there.  But the Mountain Clans certainly seem to defer to the Lord of Winterfell.  In case of doubt, I would think that a Lord of Winterfell would probably feel safe in claiming jurisdiction of a deserter in the Gift.  

But I doubt a Lord of Winterfell would feel terribly comfortable in trying and executing a deserter if he was say in King's Landing or the Storm Lands.  I think that he would take them to the King or the lord of the territory in which the deserter was residing.

The issue of a soldier's  treason, I think is a different one.  Most armies have a seperate court of justice for the soldiers in the army.  I would think that a military chain of command would take precedence there and it would not matter where the army was presently residing.

An interesting example of a lord outside of his normal jurisdiction is when Randyll Tarly wsa meting out justice in Maidenpool.  Now Taryly had taken the Castle by force, so it seemed that gave him the right to dispense justice for any crimes that occurred in the city.  Taryly would probably have invoked an expressed or implied authority from the King for his actions.

Even then, Taryly has Lord Mooton standing beside him while he dispenses justice.  Now I'm not sure if he thought that was proper or necessary since he was technically in Lord Mooton's lands, or if he just wanted to further emasculate Lord Mooton by having him watch as he dispensed justice, I don't know.

It makes sense, still I think that Tarly does that to get more legitimacy in his ruling, so it isn't contested, not so because it wouldn't be valid for him to do. And also, the trial is a different thing, I don't think Cat could have tried Tyrion in The Riverlands, but you said it yourself, a Lord of Winterfell finding a deserter in King's Landing would take said deserter to lord of the land. That would mean he would arrest him, meaning that a lord can arrest people outside their kingdom, and presumably take them to trial.

"Catelyn would have had a much stronger claim if she had taken Tyrion in the north."

So the lord is capable of arresting someone while not in their land, and per martin, take them to their land.

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27 minutes ago, HoodedCrow said:

Trial by combat was replaced by a better legal system. Or not:)

I actually want a story about a modern world that uses Trial By Combat, Bruce lee being able to murder anyone, a law firm being made up of a bunch of blackbelts.

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47 minutes ago, CamiloRP said:

I actually want a story about a modern world that uses Trial By Combat, Bruce lee being able to murder anyone, a law firm being made up of a bunch of blackbelts.

Does blackbelt make someone bulletproof? Or I assume that firearms would be very useful in any TbC. Besides if I were really desperate I would use Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

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Sometimes I think she did it to save his life  from being killed by a faceless man she recognized in the tavern. It’s not until the faceless man knows Tyrion, that he decides to not kill him. An agreement is arranged between the two when the faceless man lights the fire for gold.”  I’m not sure if he’s faceless or just a water dancer.

"In a room sit three great men, a king, a priest, and a rich man with his gold. Between them stands a sellsword, a little man of common birth and no great mind. Each of the great ones bids him slay the other two. 

The Tyrion is a giant.

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