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Did Ned teach Lyanna how to joust?

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Well, the argument of riding, activity in which Lyanna was good and the point that Jaime remarks that attribute as the most important seems no to be enough for many, even me. But what if Ned taught Lyanna how to joust. He lived many years in the Vale where this practice is well spreaded and if Lyanna and Ned became so close in a few years  they must have spent time together. Maybe Lyanna get fascinated with the stories of Ned of the south of Westeros and asked his brother to teach her about the knights customs.

Another proof is that Brandon get defeated by Rhaegar in the first joust of Harrenhal's Tournament. This show that even with the effort of Rickard to get close to other realms he couldn't find a good master for his son. Maybe that is why Ned has so regrets about jousting and the war, because him Lyanna was able to avenge Howland's honor and trigger all what happened. In the future he allows Arya to learn to use Needle but when he see her bruises he think that maybe is enough cause he don't want her get hurt.

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On 1/9/2021 at 6:03 PM, UlisesJV said:

Another proof is that Brandon get defeated by Rhaegar in the first joust of Harrenhal's Tournament. This show that even with the effort of Rickard to get close to other realms he couldn't find a good master for his son.

Wouldn't that just show that Rhaegar was a better jouster than Brandon?  It isn't like Brandon lost to some chump, rather he lost to the Crown Prince who likely has the best Master-at-Arms in the realm.

I doubt Ned would train Lyanna to joust, as it doesn't seem like Rickard would approve and Ned doesn't seem like one to disobey his father.

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Would Lyanna even had an opportunity to learn jousting?

After all if lordling would had made someone pregnant that would have not been a great problem. In case of male Stark even a crossbow wedding would have been unlikely.

But if Lyanna had returned to WF a bastard in her belly that would have been huge scandal. So I assume that she did have very few times when she was not watched by somebody. Or she should have always been surrounded by ladies, servants and guards. I am also sure that most of them reported to her father anything she did and so I find very unlikely that Lyanna would have enough free time to learn jousting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think Ned could have taught her - as far as I know, he was in the Vale until Roberts Rebellion or at least until the Harrenhal Tourney - and if you assume that Lyanna was the mystery knight, she already knew how to joust ;-) (But of course, Brandon losing to Rhaegar doesn't matter in this context because Lyanna didn't beat Rhaegar as far as I know - once again, even if she was the mystery knight, and Rhaegar demasked her, wouldn't that mean that the prince had beaten the mystery Knight...?)

So yes, I assume she learned it on her own! Isn't there a scene where Bran sees her and Benjen through the Weirwood and they are playing at swords? Maybe she just went along with her brother(s) to the training in the Winterfell yard and was accepted/maybe her training at arms it was not seen as a threat - we don't know too much about her mother (a Stark, cousin of Lord Rickard), but her grandmother was a Flint of the Mountain clans if I remember correctly - maybe women fighting is (more) accepted in their culture, which seems to be similiar to Wildling/Free Folk Culture...

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On 1/9/2021 at 7:03 PM, UlisesJV said:

Well, the argument of riding, activity in which Lyanna was good and the point that Jaime remarks that attribute as the most important seems no to be enough for many, even me. But what if Ned taught Lyanna how to joust. He lived many years in the Vale where this practice is well spreaded and if Lyanna and Ned became so close in a few years  they must have spent time together. Maybe Lyanna get fascinated with the stories of Ned of the south of Westeros and asked his brother to teach her about the knights customs.

Another proof is that Brandon get defeated by Rhaegar in the first joust of Harrenhal's Tournament. This show that even with the effort of Rickard to get close to other realms he couldn't find a good master for his son. Maybe that is why Ned has so regrets about jousting and the war, because him Lyanna was able to avenge Howland's honor and trigger all what happened. In the future he allows Arya to learn to use Needle but when he see her bruises he think that maybe is enough cause he don't want her get hurt.

If Lyanna learned how to joust she learned it from Ned , Brandon ,Benjen and through observation . She could learn the basics from Ned and Brandon , she would need somebody close in size and  strength  to train with , somebody who would not tell dad or Nan , Benjen fits the bill .

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On 1/30/2021 at 2:45 AM, wildwildnorth said:

Most likely she was self taught. 


On 1/10/2021 at 10:11 AM, TheLastWolf said:

I believe Lyanna learned it by herself, like a lot of other things 


Couldn't resist breaking my self proclaimed break, anyway I'm not going to be back to my prolific streak. Just pop in once a week and check on my beloved Dany worshipping Stark haters and mates and stuff...  


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