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One million gold dragon gift to Night's Watch 284


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What could the Night's Watch do with a million gold dragons gift in 284 since it's helps to refurbish their castles,update their weapons and proper supplies for the black brothers but no sure how it helps with manpower problems ?how will it affect the fate of the Night's Watch with the free folks attack the wall and against the threat that leading the Night's Watch to flee South?

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By 284 what I would do would be put that money to fully develop the gift, offering people the life of a minor lord or a landed night if they would chose to join the NW. Going to poor people who suffered bc of the war and offering their families one GD or something like that if the dude joins. Hiring bards to work at recruiting but also having them swear vows. That would solve the manpower and the food shortage problems at once. And when more wars happen, people would be more likely to join the Watch in hopes of safety and food.

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7 hours ago, Mrstrategy said:

What could the Night's Watch do with a million gold dragons gift in 284 since it's helps to refurbish their castles,update their weapons and proper supplies for the black brothers but no sure how it helps with manpower problems ?how will it affect the fate of the Night's Watch with the free folks attack the wall and against the threat that leading the Night's Watch to flee South?

A million golden dragons is a substantial sum. It solves most of their problems. 

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20 hours ago, Mrstrategy said:

What could the Night's Watch do with a million gold dragons gift in 284 since it's helps to refurbish their castles,update their weapons and proper supplies for the black brothers but no sure how it helps with manpower problems?

Yes. That's a good question and more complicated that it seems due to the NW traditions.

People have suggested that a way to support the NW is using conscription. Soldiers get free training for a year or two and then they come back to their lands as Westeros as a whole is responsible for the NW. Even if the Reach - for example - doesn't support the idea, maybe the North will.

Paying for that service would make it enormously attractive for men at arms across Westeros.

The problem? The Night's Watch vows:


Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come

You cannot take out these vows. You cannot pay for these vows.

One possibility is to pay the families for sending te.g. heir younger sons to the NW. A kind of dowry, but it might quickly exhaust the funds, specially if you treat with noble families. At the same time, Westeros society balks at the idea of buying honors with gold.

Offering land and capital to develop the Gift may be an idea, but again families would need to swear an oath in supporting the NW.

Gold will anyway make easier to bring other kind of talent, like maesters and septons.

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