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What are the closest real world counterparts to the Triarchy Free Cities (Myr, Tyrosh, and Lys)?

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In terms of culture, politics/economics, and clothing styles (at least from what is described in books) of the Triachy Free Cities, would their closest real world analogues be?

Me personally, I picture the Triarchy Free Cities vaguely resembling colonial era (especially between the 16th and 18th century ranges) European states, but without the gunpowder, tricorne hats, and powdered wigs, etc.. Along with significant influences from the late medieval and renaissance Italian city states and a touch of classical Greece mixed in. In your point of view, do any of you see my headcanon as an accurate interpretation? Why or why not?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think you are spot  on with Myr. In the books Myr is described as very colonial era esque  in trerms of fashion lots of lace and what not. I disagree about Tyrosh and Lys though. To me Tyrosh and Lys seem a lot more "oriental" for lack of a better word I picture the people from there looking like a mid 19th century orientalist painting except the Tyroshi have dyed hair and the Lyseni have Valerian features. Lys is a tropical island with palms and dates, pirates and pleasure houses. To me it gives barbary corsair vibes mixed with Italian city states. 

In terms of politics their politics are very similar to the Italian merchant republics. Indeed most of the coastal free cities are essentially merchant republics. And if you look at the relationship between Venice, Genoa and Milan it certianly has lots of parells to the Triarchy free cities.

But I also think it's important to let them stand on their own George RR Martin is a master world builder and while a lot of his setting are influenced by real world places they all have their own unique features. It would do the books a diservice to say for example Braavos is Venice. It certianly has paralells and  draws from certian Venitian features but George has made it very unique and it's not simply "fantasy Venice"

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  • 6 months later...

Tyrosh is inspired by the phoenician city-state of Tyre. The name is almost the same, they have a reputation of greedy merchants and great sailors just like the Phoenicians, and their wealth started with their production of dyes made from seashells, just like Tyre... Maybe a bit from Genoa too, given the role of mercenaries in their history.

Lys is probably inspired by Corynth, a rich, powerful maritime power that has come to be known more for its decadence and luxury than for its achievements. A bit by Florence too, given the parallels between House Rogare and the Medici family.

Myr seem to be inspired by Florence, a merchant city famous for its crafts, arts and learning.

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