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Golden company members who have historical claims in westeros castles/lands


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2 hours ago, Mrstrategy said:

Do we know which members of the golden company have historical claim on lands and castles of westeros due to their ancestors owning and ruling in westeros before losing lands/castles and being exiled?

Yes and no. Some people like Strickland or Peake can trace their lineage back to Westeros lands and titles. Others have or might have just taken the names of houses like Marq Mandrake or John Lothston.

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Yeah, they even have two Mudds, river kings from before the Andels. 

I guess the advantage to being part of a successful conquest is the chance to take any lands you want so long as you have the name. doesn't need to be real, you just need the conqueror to say its real and they have pretense to distribute land to loyal men.

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On 5/18/2021 at 11:33 AM, Mrstrategy said:

Do we know which members of the golden company have historical claim on lands and castles of westeros due to their ancestors owning and ruling in westeros before losing lands/castles and being exiled?

Probably none of them ... depending on your definition of "historical claims."

I'm no expert, but I expect that when a man is exiled (or exiles himself), he forfeits his lands.  His liege lord or king would acquire it, or give it to someone else.  John Connington took back Griffin's Roost by force; he didn't just walk in through the gate and say to his cousin, "I'm back, thanks for minding the castle; now step aside."

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3 hours ago, Aebram said:

I'm no expert, but I expect that when a man is exiled (or exiles himself), he forfeits his lands. 

That's why it's a claim. The Blackfyres were exiled but they kept claiming the IT until the end.

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Strickland strikes me as the only one who might have reasonable claims - since that entire house hasn't been mentioned before, so chances are Daeron II exiled the entire house.

There is a Lord Titus Peake of Starpike, so the chances that the Golden Company Peakes - who are likely Titus' cousins - have a better claim to Starpike than their lordly kinsman are not all that likely.

The Coles in the company and the late Myles Toyne might also have some genuine clains - although it doesn't seem that the Coles ever were proper lords.

But, of course, the lands of all the exiles were either given to other/new lords or handed over to loyal relations, meaning basically the exiles have to take what they think is theirs with fire and sword.

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