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Game of Thrones Congrats


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Round 1

Question 1: What is your favorite color?
1) Blue
2) Red
3) Yellow
4) Black
5) Orange
6) Gray
7) Purple
8) Green

Name your lordship! (Pick 1 FN and 1 LN based on your answer)
Name should be written as Lord [FN] [LN] of [house's seat]
1. Vale FN: Jon, Jasper, Artos, Vardis, Petyr | LN:Arryn, Corbray, Templeton, Egen, Royce
2. Riverlands FN: Hoster, Kermit, Elmo, Grover, Walder | LN: Tully, Frey, Bracken, Mallister, Whent
3. Stormlands FN: Robert, Stannis, Renly, Steffon, Orys | LN: Baratheon, Selmy, Estermont, Dondarrion, Connington
4. Crownlands FN: Aegon, Daeron, Togarion, Corlys, Jacelyn | Celtigar, Rykker, Blount, Sunglass, Rambton
5. Westerlands FN: Tywin, Jaime, Kevan, Tytos, Lancel | Lannister, Marbrand, Banefort, Clegane, Farman
6. North FN: Eddard, Cregan, Torrhen, Brandon, Rickon | Stark, Manderly, Tallhart, Reed, Bolton
7. Iron Islands FN: Balon, Rodrik, Victarion, Quellon, Theon | Greyjoy, Sunderly, Drumm, Goodbrother, Harlaw
8. Reach FN: Arthur, Gerold, Mace, Samwell, Osbert | Tyrell, Hightower, Redwyne, Tarly, Florent


Round 2

Question 2: Which "Game of Thrones" beverage would you partake in?
1) Nahsa
2) Hippocras
3) Ale
4) Mead
5) Arbor gold
6) Dreamwine
7) Milk of the poppy
8) Wine of courage

Give your lord a wife! (Pick 1 FN and 1 LN based on your answer)
Name should be written as Lady (FN) (maiden name) (married surname) of (birth family's seat)
1) Dorne FN: Nymeria, Elia, Obara, Teora, Loreza | LN: Martell, Jordayne, Allyrion, Fowler, Qorgyle
2) Vale FN: Anya, Lysa, Alayne, Myranda, Alyssa | LN: Hardying, Donniger, Belmore, Upcliff, Pryor
3) Riverlands FN: Catelyn, Alys, Walda, Minisa, Serra | LN: Erenford, Bigglestone, Pemford, Vypren, Mooton
4) North FN: Arya, Lyanna, Jeyne, Beth, Donella | LN: Hornwood, Mormont, Flint, Poole, Cerwyn
5) Reach FN: Margaery, Elinor, Olenna, Ceryse, Talla | LN: Fossoway, Beesbury, Costayne, Appleton, Oldflowers
Westerlands FN: Cersei, Joanna, Genna, Cerelle, Dorna | LN: Ferren, Spicer, Algood, Swyft, Yarwyck
7) Crownlands FN: Visenya, Tanda, Falyse, Rhaena, Hazel | LN: Kettleblack, Velaryon, Rambton, Brune, Massey
8) Stormlands FN: Brienne, Casella, Argella, Jocelyn, Ellyn | LN: Kellington, Cafferen, Lonmouth, Swygert, Hasty

Round 3

Question 3: Which deity/deities would you worship in Westeros?

1) The Faith of the Seven :grouphug:
2) Old Gods :ninja:
3) Drowned God :ack:
4) R'hllor :bowdown:
5) Mother Rhoyne :wub:
6) Many-Faced God :fencing:
7) Storm God :bang:
8) Horse God :owned:

Your first child is born!

1) Son | FN: Jon, Benjen, Randyll, Addam, Maekar
2) Daughter | FN: Jeyne, Lyarra, Hostella, Nymella, Ashara
3) Daughter | FN: Meera, Wynafrei, Dacey, Ursula, Alannys
4) Son | FN: Rickard, Oberyn, Alaric, Manfred, Oswell
5) Daughter | FN: Valena, Sansa, Wendeyne, Asha, Lysa
6) Son | FN: Otto, Quenton, Rickard, Hallis, Florian
7) Son | FN: Robar, Dontos, Boremund, Nestor, Wendell
8) Daughter |FN: Marei, Cassandra, Prunella, Alicent, Jirelle

Round 4

Question 4: What animal would you want for your sigil?

1) Wolf 
2) Stag
3) Lion
4) Horse
5) Whale
6) Snake
7) Bear
8) Falcon

Your second child is born!

1) Daughter | FN: Alerie, Nella, Celia, Megga, Leona
2) Daughter | FN: Alarra, Perrianne, Olene, Dyanna, Laena
3) Son | FN: Jojen, Wyman, Domeric, Olyvar, Alliser
4) Daughter | FN: Aemma, Gwynesse, Vaella, Annara, Betha
5) Son | FN: Ormond, Luthor, Euron, Jason, Tommen
6) Son | FN: Patrek, Willem, Joffrey, Garlan, Raymund
7) Daughter | FN: Alysanne, Prudence, Rhialta, Serena, Gysella
8) Son | FN: Herman, Gilbert, Lorent, Imry, Paxter

Round 5


Question 5: Which 2 "Free Cities" would you like to go to? (Pick 2)

1) Lys
2) Pentos
3) Myr
4) Tyrosh
5) Qohor
6) Volantis
7) Lorath
8) Braavos

You get twins!

Twin 1:

1) Son | FN: Gwayne, Lambert, Maron, Kyle, Igon
2) Daughter | FN: Lelia, Korra, Johanna, Henrietta, Calla
3) Son | FN: Larence, Gyles, Petyr, Illifer, Haldon
4) Son | FN: Jasper, Unwin, Herbert, Ramsay, Aenys
5) Son | FN: Osric, Triston, Dickon, Theo, Beren
6) Daughter | FN: Jonquil, Delonne, Lysa, Agnes, Barba
7) Daughter | FN: Melissa, Shireen, Zhoe, Roslin, Elenei
8) Daughter | FN: Bessa, Theresa, Myrcella, Daeryssa, Alys

Twin 2:

1) Daughter | FN: Larissa, Melantha, Barbrey, Shiera, Gella
2) Daughter | FN: Rosamund, Clarisse, Moriah, Patricia, Rhonda
3) Son | FN: Gunthor, Creighton, Tybolt, Helman, Arys
4) Daughter | FN: Margaret, Kiera, Rhea, Danelle, Tysha
5) Son | FN: Grover, Rollam, Sandor, Hotho, Erich, Sylas
6) Son | FN: Leo, Raynald, Samwell, Alyn, Damon
7) Daughter | FN: Leonella, Margot, Ella, Wylla, Coryanne
8) Son | FN: Gawen, Symon, Ronnel, Jorah, Benedict, Quentyn

Round 6

Question 6: Which castle would you like to live in?

1) Red Keep https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Red_Keep
2) Winterfell https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Winterfell
3) The Eyrie https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/The_Eyrie
4) Pyke https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Pyke
5) Casterly Rock https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Casterly_Rock
6) Riverrun https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Riverrun
7) Storm's End https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Storm's_End
8) Sunspear https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Sunspear

Round 6: One last child

1) Son | FN: Denys, Sebastion, Zachery, Wylis, Edwyn, Bartimos
2) Daughter | FN: Elinda, Wynafrei, Arianne, Lysara, Maris
3) Son | FN: Gregor, Cedrik, Bryce, Jammos, Loras
4) Daughter | FN: Maege, Perra, Serala, Dorna, Ravella
5) Daughter | FN: Sylva, Jorelle, Arsa, Ysabel, Sallei
6) Son | FN: Selwyn, Adrian, Yohn, Waymar, Clement
7) Daughter | FN: Yrma, Alanna, Sabitha, Elinor, Falia
8) Son | FN: Bennard, Jarman, Kennos, Perkin, Rennifer

Round 7

Question 7: Which 2 "Slaver's Bay" cities would you like to visit?

1) Meereen
2) Yunkai
3) Astapor
4) Elyria
5) New Ghis
6) Tolos
7) Bhorash
8) Ghozai

Round 7: First child’s family (first answer applies here!)

1) Vale | LN: Sunderland, Elesham, Pryor, Melcolm, Tollett
2) The Reach | LN: Inchfield, Caswell, Dunn, Westbrook, Osgrey
3) The North | LN: Glover, Dustin, Ashwood, Stane, Mollen
4) Iron Islands | LN: Ironmaker, Blacktyde, Codd, Farwynd, Orkwood
5) Stormlands | LN: Herston, Buckler, Penrose, Hasty, Musgood
6) Dorne | LN: Gargalen, Uller, Drinkwater, Toland, Manwoody
7) Riverlands | LN: Darry, Butterwell, Perryn, Keath, Ryger
8) Westerlands | LN: Payne, Hetherspoon, Greenfield, Lefford, Hawthorne

If your lord’s first child is a girl, her husband’s name is either Eddard, Osmynd, Tristan, Aeron, or Theomore.
If your lord’s first child is a boy, his wife’s name is either Alayne, Nolla, Wylla, Elinor, or Perra.

Their children have the following initials (sexes are up to you!) (second answer applies here):
Names can be found here: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/List_of_characters

1) C, A, T, E, L, Y, N
2) E, D, D, A, R, D
3) R, O, B, B
4) J, O, N
5) S, A, N, S, A
6) A, R, Y, A
7) B, R, A, N, D, O, N
8) R, I, C, K, O, N

Round 8

Question 8: Which two ancestral swords would you prefer to wield?

1) Dark Sister
2) Dawn
3) Just Maid
4) Oathkeeper
5) Ice
6) Lamentation
7) Orphan-maker
8) Heartsbane

Round 8: Second Child’s Family (first answer applies here):

1) The Crownlands | LN: Bywater, Darke, Farring, Rollingford, Edgerton
2) Dorne | LN: Allyrion, Dayne, Wyl, Santagar, Dalt
3) Stormlands | LN: Tarth, Errol, Bolling, Mertyns, Swann
4) Westerlands | LN: Westerling, Myatt, Lorch, Kenning, Ferren
5) The North | LN: Crowl, Ryswell, Waterman, Ashwood, Slate
6) The Vale | LN: Hersy, Lipps, Baelish, Wydman, Ruthermont
7) The Riverlands | LN: Shawney, Paege, Grell, Lychester, Vance
8) The Reach | LN: Cuy, Mullendore, Grimm, Shermer, Bulwer

If the second child was a girl, her husband’s name is either Doran, Ramsey, Walder, Jaime, or Alaric.
If the second child was a boy, his wife’s name is either Perianne, Lollys, Minisa, Jennelyn, or Ethelide.

Like the previous round, their children have the following initials (sexes are up to you!) (second answer applies here):
Names can be found here: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/List_of_characters

1) R, H, A, E, G, A, R
2) D, A, E, N, E, R, Y, S
3) V, I, S, E, R, Y, S
4) A, E, G, O, N
5) R, H, A, E, N, Y, S
6) B, A, E, L, O, R
7) G, A, E, M, O, N
8) E, L, A, E, N, A

Round 9

Question 9: What would you like to eat in Westeros? (pick 2)

1) Lemon cake
2) Sister’s stew
3) Wintercake
4) Dragon peppers
5) Stallion heart
6) Whiskerfish
7) Bowl of brown
8) Weirwood paste

Round 9: Third Child’s Family! (first answer applies here)

1) Westerlands | Yew, Payne, Lantell, Bettley, Turnberry
2) Riverlands | Chambers, Blackwood, Goodbrook, Lolliston, Terrick
3) The Vale | Borrell, Shett, Grafton, Hunter, Redfort
4) The North | Magnar, Knott, Marsh, Cassel, Burley
5) Iron Islands | Myre, Stonetree, Wynch, Botley, Weaver
6) Crownlands | Gaunt, Stokeworth, Langward, Wendwater, Byrch
7) Stormlands | Caron, Staedmon, Rogers, Wensington, Fell
8) Dorne | Ladybright, Yronwood, Gargalen, Vaith, Toland

If the third child was a boy, his wife’s name is Cerenna, Aelinor, Maia, Roelle, or Tya.
If the third child was a girl, her husband’s name is Addam, Tommen, Ronnel, Dickon, or Perwyn.

Names and sexes of the children are up to you, just be sure to use either one of the following initials (second answer applies here).
All names can be found here: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/List_of_characters

1) C, E, R, S, E, I
2) J, A, I, M, E
3) T, Y, R, I, O, N
4) J, O, F, F, R, E, Y
5) M, Y, R, C, E, L, L, A
6) T, Y, W, I, N
7) K, E, V, A, N
8) L, A, N, C, E, L

Question 10: What two livelihoods would you want to have in Westeros?

1) A septon/septa
2) A maester
3) A woods witch
4) A greenseer
5) A dragon rider
6) A bloodmage
7) A pirate
8) A bard

Round 10: Fourth child’s family! (Includes deposed & extinct houses) (first answer, once again, applies here)

1) The Reach | Gardener, Osgrey, Serry, Chester, Hewett
2) The Vale | Brightstone, Shell, Torrent, Longthorpe, Upcliff
3) Iron Islands | Hoare, Greyiron, Weaver, Stonehouse, Humble
4) Crownlands | Hollard, Darklyn, Cargyll, Cressey, Largent
5) Dorne | Lake, Dryland, Brownhill, Wade, Briar

6) The North | Greystark, Amber, Waterman, Quagg, Thenn
7) Riverlands | Mudd, Teague, Wode, Slynt, Harroway
8) Westerlands | Tarbeck, Reyne, Yew, Parren, Casterly

If the fourth child was a boy, his wife is named Jonquil, Daeryssa, Elenei, Florys, or Shella.
If the fourth child was a girl, her husband is named Durran, Florian, Garth, Owen, or Bael.

Names and sexes of the children are up to you, just be sure to use either one of the following initials (second answer applies here).
All names can be found here: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/List_of_characters

1) R, O, B, E, R, T,
2) S, T, A, N, N, I, S
3) R, E, N, L, Y
4) S, H, I, R, E, E, N
5) S, T, E, F, F, O, N
6) C, A, S, S, A, N, A
7) B, O, R, R, O, S
8) A, R, G, E, L, L, A

Question 11: Which two houses have the best mottoes? 

1) Stark - “Winter is coming”
2) Lannister - “Hear me roar”
3) Targaryen - “Fire and blood”
4) Tully -“Family, duty, honor”
5) Greyjoy - “We do not sow”
6) Arryn - “As high as honor”
7) Baratheon - “Ours is the fury”
8) Tyrell - “Growing strong”

Spouse's surname and origin! (Answer 1 applies here)

1) North | Tallhart, Stout, Liddle, Woolfield, Burley
2) Westerlands | Lorch, Payne, Garner, Crakehall, Estren
3) Crownlands | Hogg, Blount, Manning, Thorne, Edgerton
4) Riverlands | Blackwood, Mallister, Vypren, Charlton, Ryger
5) Iron Islands | Volmark, Harlaw, Orkwood, Botley, Tawney
6) Vale | Lynderly, Hardyng, Waynwood, Crayne, Templeton
7) Stormlands | Swann, Morrigen, Dondarrion, Fell, Herston
8) The Reach | Mullendore, Redding, Ashford, Hastwyck, Vyrwel

If the fifth child had been a girl, her husband’s name is Edderion, Steffon, Rodrik, Beric, or Hobert.
If the fifth child had been a boy, his wife’s name is Elaena, Palla, Helya, Aglantine, or Jeyne.

The names of the children! (Answer 2 applies here)

1) T, H, E, O, N
2) B, A, L, O, N
3) A, S, H, A
4) V, I, C, T, A, R, I, O, N
5) E, U, R, O, N
6) Q, U, E, L, L, O, N
7) A, L, A, N, N, Y, S
8) D, A, G, O, N

That's all the rounds! Good luck and have fun! :P

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The number of you answer corresponds to the sample of names provided. So for question 1, for example, if you say your favorite color was green, your lord could be named something like Osbert Redwyne or Gerold Tarly.

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Lord Quellon Harlaw of Harlaw

Lady Lysa Belmore of Strongsong

  • Lady Wendeyne Harlaw
    • Lord Osmynd Ironmaker of the Iron Islands

    • Shierle Ironmaker

    • Alaric Ironmaker

    • Norman Ironmaker

    • Sybassion Ironmaker

    • Armen Iromaker

  • Lord Jason Harlaw
    • Lady Lollys Wyl of the Boneway

    • Edwyn Harlaw

    • Loreza Harlaw

    • Amanda Harlaw

    • Emberlei Harlaw

    • Norjen Harlaw

    • Argos Harlaw

  • Lord Gwayne Harlaw (twin of Raynald)
    • Lady Roelle Yew of the Westerlands

    • Tanselle Harlaw

    • Yandry Harlaw

    • Ryam Harlaw

    • Igon Harlaw

    • Osha Harlaw

    • Nysterica Harlaw

  • Lord Raynald Harlaw (twin of Gwayne) (dragon rider (5) and maester (2)
    • Lady Daeryssa Dryland of Hellgate Hall
    • Sallei Harlaw
    • Talbert Harlaw
    • Andrey Harlaw
    • Norren Harlaw
    • Nymor Harlaw
    • Illister Harlaw
    • Scolera Harlaw
  • Lady Dorna Harlaw
    • Lord Beric Templeton of Ninestars
    • Durran Templeton
    • Amarei Templeton
    • Garth Templeton
    • Orivel Templeton
    • Narha Templeton
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