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How do I disable/block video ads from wiki site?


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I love visiting the “A Wiki of Ice and Fire” although I hadn’t been there in quite a long time. Before they always had those annoying video ads at the top of the page that follow you as you scroll down. It was a pain but it didn’t bother me before because after a few seconds the little x symbol would appear in the right hand corner so I could just close the video and have a the screen back with no annoying pop up in the way. But NOW when I visit the site, the video that follows you down no longer has an x symbol, it just stays on the screen now and never goes away! It is extremely frustrating since I want to enjoy reading whatever page I want, but  instead there is a video in the corner covering some of the screen. Not only is it blocking some of the page but it’s hard to ignore since they’re playing videos and it’s distracting me from the page. I tried ignoring it at first but it’s extremely difficult. How can I get rid of it please? 

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