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Mercedes Lackey Removed From Nebula Conference for using the word 'colored'


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Direct source, official statement from Nebula conference organizer SFWA - https://www.sfwa.org/2022/05/22/statement-removal-mercedes-lackey-nebula-conference/

Commentary: https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/05/24/mercedes-lackey-accused-of-racism-banned-from-nebula-awards/

In context, Lackey referred to writer Samuel R. Delany as "colored." 

"Delaney himself seems to have no problem with Lackey’s comments, posting to Facebook, “‘Colored ladies,’ was what my aunts Bessie and Sadie referred to themselves as, and I favored ‘black’ with a small B, because of my experiences in ’68, with the activists who changed the country from ‘Negro’ to Dr. Du Bois’s preferred term)."


Edit: Lackey has already apologized for the blunder. https://mercedeslackeyblog.tumblr.com/post/685121410657566720/i-wish-to-apologize


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