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Will Daenerys abandon Slaver’s Bay?

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I’m sorry but I just can’t see how she could pull off reforming and taking control of Slaver’s Bay in 2 books, much less the 1 she’ll have to do it before going to Westeros. I think she’ll end up burning Volantis, but leave them to their own devices after. Letting them figure the shit out on their own. 

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8 minutes ago, King Maegor the Cool said:

I’m sorry but I just can’t see how she could pull off reforming and taking control of Slaver’s Bay in 2 books, much less the 1 she’ll have to do it before going to Westeros. I think she’ll end up burning Volantis, but leave them to their own devices after. Letting them figure the shit out on their own. 

She may just kill all the slave owners(in a very non-genocidal way of course!) and go west so she can let loose raping and pillaging slave dealing Dothraki upon the population of Westeros (in a peaceful way of course!)

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2 hours ago, King Maegor the Cool said:

I’m sorry but I just can’t see how she could pull off reforming and taking control of Slaver’s Bay in 2 books, much less the 1 she’ll have to do it before going to Westeros. I think she’ll end up burning Volantis, but leave them to their own devices after. Letting them figure the shit out on their own. 

Well the fact shes a central.figure to the religion most of the slaves follow will probably help settle matters.

The loss at mereen will probably kickstart anti slavery revolutions over essos. Vic is stupid and thus will be easily manipulated to.join her, with the volantis fleet converted to their side shel move west ..many volantis ships will.pull in home to help the uprising there.

The faceless men seem.to be watching things, highly anti slavery but even they.have never had.a realistic shot of ending it given thejur numbers but but now have a shot. Theyld strike key figures inthe  slave trade leadership.crippling any counterrevolution.

New ghis and the like will take such losses in batle plus the disease theyl not be any shape to try and unwind the anti slavery movement

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If the slavers' coalition is shattered at Meereen, and the immediate military threat is resolved, then Dany could in principle leave Meereen in the hands of Hizdahr and head off on another crusade of salvation.

This would just about hold up. Hizdahr is sufficiently respected both within and without Meereen that he looks like a viable ruler. He's already Meereen's king (jure uxoris). The rest of the Ghiscari and Meereen in particular might breathe a sigh of relief that the unpredictable child-saint and her uncontrollable WMDs have departed the area, and thereby ease diplomacy.

But there's an obvious problem, and that's that she can't trust Hizdahr. If she leaves him in charge, she'll think, the slave trade will be reinstated by tomorrow afternoon - at best, he'll outwardly maintain the ban but turn a blind eye to other people doing it. So she'd need either to dispose of Hizdahr and appoint a viceroy or to leave Hizdahr as a puppet controlled by people she can trust.

And depending on where the story is intended to go, this may be one of the major problems with the writing in ADwD, because we haven't been given a single Meereenese character who does seem sufficiently trustworthy that they could be left in charge. Skahaz might be loyal to the cause, but he's also a loose cannon who isn't capable of running diplomacy. The rest of them who seem to have any power or influence - Galazza, Reznak, Hizdahr himself, all seem decidedly dodgy.

They might not be! Hizdahr might mean everything he said to Daenerys about supporting her revolution. Reznak might just have a creepy manner. Galazza might be the honest broker she presented herself as. But having spent the whole of ADwD making them all look shifty and stressing that all of our POV characters are suspicious of them, it's going to take a heroic effort in TWoW for any of them to be credibly left in charge without it looking like Astapor all over again.

There's also time for Dany to embrace the Prince principle. So far she has tried ruling through a cocktail of love and fear but she hasn't been sufficiently ruthless as queen of Meereen to maintain the fear. If she can't have both, so the saying goes, you're better off with fear, and if she loses patience she could go down that route, let Skahaz unleash his reign of terror, and leave him to rule with an iron (or bronze?) fist in her stead.

Or Dany could just get sucked back into the Dothraki, pushed west on the currents of the Dothraki Sea, and not go back to Meereen at all. Which would be pretty annoying from a reader's perspective because having sat through the Meereen plot in ADwD I feel like we deserve some closure there.


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I think at some point Daenerys is going to have to decide to let Meereen stand or fall on its own, without her around to prop things up.  Ideally, she or her proxies in Meereen would hammer out some sort of agreement for a peaceful future.  Unfortunately, things don't tend to work out that way in this series.

I expect her to effectively wash her hands of the place, either because she decides to prioritize Westeros or is forced to.  I am not as confident as most posters of a Volantene revolt.  It could happen, but I wouldn't count on it.  And if the Volantenes win there could be a mass exodus on the Iron Fleet.

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Yes and it'll be the same all the way west with anything she touches, she'll take what she wants/needs and move on. She might spare them a thought and put in place some kind of paper plan, but she's not staying anywhere to provide the security and leadership that'd be required to see a plan through.

She'll be thematically like fire, burning down everything that came before, leaving the ground fertile for something new to grow in its place. But the growing isn't her part to play, the dragon plants no trees.

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Meereen (unlike Astapor) will have a standing army, when she goes West, the companies of freedmen.  The regional Big Brother for the Slavers, Volantis, will have seen the Old Blood overthrown.

I expect that the remaining Wise Masters of Yunkai, and Great Masters of Meereen will have been put to death.  There’s not going to be a slave master within hundreds of miles of Meereen, still less, a slave master with an army.

Just leave someone like Skahaz in charge as viceroy.

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14 hours ago, King Maegor the Cool said:

I’m sorry but I just can’t see how she could pull off reforming and taking control of Slaver’s Bay in 2 books, much less the 1 she’ll have to do it before going to Westeros. I think she’ll end up burning Volantis, but leave them to their own devices after. Letting them figure the shit out on their own. 

The Daenerys Targaryen arc is full of inspirations from the bible.  Three pyramids, slavery, journey through the desert, and so on.  Like Moses, our favorite hero will lead her people, the free peoples of the Bay, towards a promising new land.  Westeros.  I think the title, A Dream of Spring, may refer to this.  The last book ends as the migration to Westeros begins after the winter has killed off the current population in the West. 

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1 hour ago, The Lord of the Crossing said:

The Daenerys Targaryen arc is full of inspirations from the bible.  Three pyramids, slavery, journey through the desert, and so on.  Like Moses, our favorite hero will lead her people, the free peoples of the Bay, towards a promising new land.  Westeros.  I think the title, A Dream of Spring, may refer to this.  The last book ends as the migration to Westeros begins after the winter has killed off the current population in the West. 

Are you meaning to say she is Moses taken to the extreme so instead of just getting a circumsion, her followers are castrated entirely? Interesting.

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Yeah i think.were gonna see slavery broken altogether so she can leave peacefully. The upcomming huge slaver defeat will begin the uprising.

We all ready know that in volantis the head fire priests say dany is the choosen one, that most slaves in essos  worship  the fire god and that the widow has said they are preparing!! The threat had grown so severe the rich in volantis  wanted to hire the golden company  to wipe put the priests as half the volantis tiger  slave troops are fire wirshippers before we talk the high priests personal army!!

Now we know the faceless men and bravos are anti slavery BUT they have never had a shot at really ending slavery proper AND we know the faceless men watch wordwide with a peerless spy network...they will strike at  important slavery heads to cripple any counter insurgency

The dothraki are another other major component in the slavery engine which will soon either be slaughterd/scattered by dany or converted to her cause.

Astopor is gone..for all intents are purposes theyl never raise another real unsullied batch again thus no slaver anywhere has peerlessly loyal bodygaurds ever again. Them and yunkai are about to take severe losses outside mereen esp to their masters.

 New ghis is the real muscle there in slavers bay and as we seen its about to lose a heavy amount of its able bodied pro slavery men (and more if they scarper and bring the pale mare with them to new ghis)the smaller states with niche fighting forces(the crossbowmen and slingers) will be the same

Now as vic and thd ironborn attack the volantis.fleet many of its slaves may turn,.vic as well may be easily talked into aiding dany by his fire priest! Giving her the fleet she needs to both sail home and intimidate quarth into backing off

Finaly the loss may reveal the harpy stabilizing mereen for good , esp a more blood thirsty(fire and blood)  dany will re-allow the pits to open and boost meereens economy

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3 hours ago, The Lord of the Crossing said:

The Daenerys Targaryen arc is full of inspirations from the bible.  Three pyramids, slavery, journey through the desert, and so on.  Like Moses, our favorite hero will lead her people, the free peoples of the Bay, towards a promising new land.  Westeros.  I think the title, A Dream of Spring, may refer to this.  The last book ends as the migration to Westeros begins after the winter has killed off the current population in the West. 

I like. I prefer the refugees from Westeros coming to Essos to make a pilgrimage to swear fealty.  

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11 minutes ago, Corvo the Crow said:

Grossly overestimation of Daenerys and attitude of people that don't like burning or killing en masse towards her.

Daenerys really should start listening to Inkspots


No one ever held Dany close and called her Honey Child.  It's a hole in her heart and the reason she's so unsympathetic towards the masters.

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1 hour ago, Aejohn the Conqueroo said:

No one ever held Dany close and called her Honey Child.  It's a hole in her heart and the reason she's so unsympathetic towards the masters.

She's not 17 yet so someone can see her for the first time and call her honey child perhaps?



Just to be clear this is the correct song, right?

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24 minutes ago, Craving Peaches said:

I prefer Daenerys staying away from Westeros.

I'd say I prefer her going to Asshai but dread to think on what that would lead to. She's already consorted with a bloodmage before and made human sacrifices in the form of Drogo, Mirri maz duur and Rhaego(unwittingly, this one). By going to Asshai she may become a bloodmage herself and what horrors would that bring to world. If her human sacrifices gave birth to dragons, what would the sacrifice of a grown dragon bring? She may hammer the world with meteors, crack open moons and do all those stuffs from the legends to add to the atrocities of her regime of fear and misrule.

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2 hours ago, Corvo the Crow said:

I'd say I prefer her going to Asshai but dread to think on what that would lead to.

Yes. I think that if Quaithe wanted her to Asshai, it was for her dragons, not just to help her. Maybe to control also the dragons living in the Shadow.

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