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Tywins plan red wedding


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Tywins plan seems.to have fallen apart largely due to his own failures as a father and lannister disfunction (and some random magical elements) but letd say it went ahead as planned...lets say after purple wedding sansa doesnt escape and tywin shuts down any cersei allegations on the spot!

1) house lannister of winterfell: how do you think tyrion + sansa would have done in her old home? Would he have nonviolently wrestled leadership of the north from the boltons  and how? What can you see his leadership of winterfell and its broken allies looking like

2) house bolton of the dreadfort and hornfoot. How do you feel the 2 bolton mens(roose and ramsey)  realtionship would have  gone on  over time esp.now that roose has a legitimate heir

3) the frey dynastic struggle: how would the new house frey of riverrun affect the sucession civil war brewing on  old walders death? The bolton freys and manderly freys  too? The 2 new lannister freys and the  current one (tywins sister) ?

4) westerlands: the westerlings/spicers get castermere with its mines theyd be rich but would the stain of their 2 faced betrayal and jeyne being 'soiled' ruin them for a generation or so to be lepers, the 'new freys' in a way ....or would anyone even care in a westeros ruled by a red wedding stained  frey, bolton lannister tyrell intermixed dynasty?

5) house manderly: does wyman still go ahead with his schemes with the house of lannister intact , hornwood in bolton hands and a new lannister one about to be created in winterfell ?


6) what do varys and ilyrio do now?  And doran?

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1 hour ago, astarkchoice said:

Tywins plan seems.to have fallen apart largely due to his own failures as a father and lannister disfunction (and some random magical elements) but letd say it went ahead as planned...lets say after purple wedding sansa doesnt escape and tywin shuts down any cersei allegations on the spot!

1) house lannister of winterfell: how do you think tyrion + sansa would have done in her old home? Would he have nonviolently wrestled leadership of the north from the boltons  and how? What can you see his leadership of winterfell and its broken allies looking like


1. I don't see Tyrion lasting very long as Sansa's husband. On the one hand the Northerners would be likely to not accept him from the outset given that they said the crippled Bran should kill himself (what were you thinking, Tyrion?). Then there's the issue of consent given the Sansa and Tyrion marriage and the Ramsay and Donella "marriage". Is the latter legal? If not, where does that leave the Sansa and Tyrion marriage?


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10 minutes ago, Angel Eyes said:

1. I don't see Tyrion lasting very long as Sansa's husband. On the one hand the Northerners would be likely to not accept him from the outset given that they said the crippled Bran should kill himself (what were you thinking, Tyrion?). Then there's the issue of consent given the Sansa and Tyrion marriage and the Ramsay and Donella "marriage". Is the latter legal? If not, where does that leave the Sansa and Tyrion marriage?


Dunno i mean with a tyrell-lannister king and boltons rulers of the north his control of winterfell and marriage to sansa goes ahead without any open challenge.  Hes quite adept at winnin friends and dealing with enemies, fhe fact we know hed treat sansa kindly would play well with whats left of stark loyalists, has made a good impresssion at the wall and  of course hes got that lannister gold and possibly bronn etc. He won over the vale clans  too so its not hugely different to  the more savage northern lords.

Plus hes also got the contrast between himself and the boltons going for him!

Edited by astarkchoice
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