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I'm a dominant, egotistical, raving maniac...


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54% Dominant, 36% Extroverted, 36% Trustworthy: Brutal. Opportunistic. Unforgiving. Rising again, harder and stronger, you are of House Greyjoy.

I guess it's not my proudest moment, I'd like the trustworthyness to be higher, BUT I do look nice in black and gold. :)

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Your Score: House Frey

36% Dominant, 36% Extroverted, 45% Trustworthy

Violent. Self-important. Total fuckers. Universally despised, you are of House Frey.

You are a submissive personality. Piranha-like, you’ll viciously attack anyone weaker than yourself. However, you are content to bow and scrape and kiss-ass, as long as the owner of that ass remembers the favors you’ve done him. You’re slimy like that.

You are also introverted. You don’t enjoy broadcasting your devices and ambitions to the entire world; instead, you prefer to confide in a close-knit support system of friends and family. The people you keep around yourself are as vicious and proud and power-hungry as yourself, so you’ll always get the advice you want.

Finally, you are untrustworthy. In fact, you are the most untrustworthy of all houses. Do you have any idea how bad that is? Lannisters kill their kings and their fathers and fuck their siblings, but they are still far more trustworthy than you! Nobody likes you; nobody trusts you; nobody respects you. In the end, your blatant ambitions and ruthless executions thereof will alienate you from everyone. You’ll die alone. And you deserve it. (Asshole.)

Representative characters include: Walder Frey, Lothar Frey, and Cleos Frey

Similar Houses: Greyjoy, Stark, and Tyrell

Opposite House: Targaryen

When playing the game of thrones, you play it like a true villain.

At least I don't pretend to be better than I am... :D

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Brutal. Opportunistic. Unforgiving. Rising again, harder and stronger, you are of House Greyjoy.

You are a dominant personality. Although you are neither the strongest nor the most cunning, you bend the weaknesses of others to your own advantage. Extremely opportunistic, you are the Wendy Pepper of Westeros, letting everyone fall over themselves and get tangled up before springing lightly over the pile of bodies. When others criticize you, you’re more likely to cut out their tongue than lend an ear. Your arrogance is hard-wired into you to such a degree that you barely recognize other human beings to be of your same species, let alone your equals.

You are also introverted, which means that nobody knows what the hell is going on inside your head. Spontaneous and extremely impulsive, your actions will always take people by surprise. As such, it’s unlikely that you have many friends or allies in the wide world; people just don’t find you trustworthy. And there’s a reason for that, too, which is...

You’re untrustworthy! You are opportunistic, greedy, stubborn, and more-than-willing to climb over anyone you must to get to the top. You are unwilling to compromise on anything, and instead of using strategy, you try to eliminate as many of the other players as possible. Let’s face it—by conventional moral standards, you’re just not a very admirable person. Perhaps if you stopped laughing when people cut their fingers off at your dinner parties...?

Representative characters include: Aeron Greyjoy, Asha Greyjoy, and Victarion Greyjoy

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Your Score: House Greyjoy

63% Dominant, 31% Extroverted, 45% Trustworthy

Brutal. Opportunistic. Unforgiving. Rising again, harder and stronger, you are of House Greyjoy.

When playing the game of thrones, you play it buck naked, flappin' in the breeze.

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63% Dominant, 45% Extroverted, 81% Trustworthy

Confident. Dangerous. Unrelentingly sexy. The master of all you survey, you are of House Lannister.

You are a dominant personality—and how! When someone asks “and who are you, the proud lord said, that I should bow so low?†your response is probably, “FUCK YOU! I’m a fucking LANNISTER, that’s who the HELL I am!†And then you’d pimp-slap them with your golden hand. All joking aside, you view leadership as your natural, god-given right; it is a trait, just like your golden curling hair and irresistible sex appeal. It’s who you are—a Lannister.

You are introverted, meaning that you prefer to keep your ambitions and devices to yourself. Unfortunately, your personality is so vivacious that (despite all your intended secrecies) you are still a very obvious person. Though no one knows what avenues you will travel, your destination is clear to all. And of course, yours is a road to greatness! You have a magnetic, polarizing personality: people either love you or hate you. They also probably find you exceedingly intimidating. Their fear is probably well-placed.

Finally, you are trustworthy. Does this surprise you? Remember your unofficial motto: “A Lannister always pays his debts.†Though you enjoy keeping secrets and playing games, everyone knows you are a major player. Underhanded tactics are so expected from you that they don’t particularly count as untrustworthyness—it’s more of a family legacy than a choice. Your promise is as good as the gold that you shit.

Representative characters include: Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, and Tywin Lannister

Similar Houses: Greyjoy, Stark, and Targaryen

Opposite House: Tyrell

When playing the game of thrones, you play it balls to the wall.

Sex appeal? When did that happen? I think I'm the Tyrion of the bunch. Hear me roar, motherfuckers.

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Your Score: House Lannister

90% Dominant, 27% Extroverted, 72% Trustworthy

Confident. Dangerous. Unrelentingly sexy. The master of all you survey, you are of House Lannister.

You are a dominant personality—and how! When someone asks “and who are you, the proud lord said, that I should bow so low?” your response is probably, “FUCK YOU! I’m a fucking LANNISTER, that’s who the HELL I am!” And then you’d pimp-slap them with your golden hand. All joking aside, you view leadership as your natural, god-given right; it is a trait, just like your golden curling hair and irresistible sex appeal. It’s who you are—a Lannister.

You are introverted, meaning that you prefer to keep your ambitions and devices to yourself. Unfortunately, your personality is so vivacious that (despite all your intended secrecies) you are still a very obvious person. Though no one knows what avenues you will travel, your destination is clear to all. And of course, yours is a road to greatness! You have a magnetic, polarizing personality: people either love you or hate you. They also probably find you exceedingly intimidating. Their fear is probably well-placed.

Finally, you are trustworthy. Does this surprise you? Remember your unofficial motto: “A Lannister always pays his debts.” Though you enjoy keeping secrets and playing games, everyone knows you are a major player. Underhanded tactics are so expected from you that they don’t particularly count as untrustworthyness—it’s more of a family legacy than a choice. Your promise is as good as the gold that you shit.

Representative characters include: Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, and Tywin Lannister

Similar Houses: Greyjoy, Stark, and Targaryen

Opposite House: Tyrell

When playing the game of thrones, you play it balls to the wall

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