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I'm a dominant, egotistical, raving maniac...


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If you mean the bottom section where it compares your scores with other peoples, I think it always gives everyone 99% in all three rows. Even if you score a 20% in Extroversion, for example, it still says that you score higher in Extroversion than 99% of people your age and gender.

The only scores that are meaningful are the ones at the top where it shows you your House.

If you mean that you got 99% out of the possible scores, up in the top line, then that doesn't sound like a Lannister. (Go back and read the Lannister scores for some other people.)

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81% Dominant, 0% Extroverted, 45% Trustworthy

Brutal. Opportunistic. Unforgiving. Rising again, harder and stronger, you are of House Greyjoy.

You are a dominant personality. Although you are neither the strongest nor the most cunning, you bend the weaknesses of others to your own advantage.

You are also introverted, which means that nobody knows what the hell is going on inside your head.

You're untrustworthy! You are opportunistic, greedy, stubborn, and more-than-willing to climb over anyone you must to get to the top.

Brandon Stark - 60%

Tyrion Lannister - 60%

John Snow - 55%

Eddard Stark - 50%

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Wow, for a short test quite on the mark.

Responsible. Respectable. Dour. That’s not shit coming out of your ass--it’s honor. You are clearly of House Stark.

You are a submissive personality, meaning that you are more than willing to relinquish control to someone more qualified; you will unflinchingly accept any responsibility that is thrust upon you, including servitude. Unfortunately for you, your unending patience and accommodating nature often make people look to you for a leader. In essence, you are the perfect leader: someone who has no desire to lead, yet is substantially well-qualified to do it.

That's 100% my self-image

You are also introverted, which means that people sometimes have difficulty understanding your thought process. Your dependable nature makes you predictable, but you’ve probably got all sorts of emotional dysfunctions when it comes to more intimate relationships. There are very few people whom you trust unwaveringly, and you’re not the type to confide in other people. So cold, so aloof--so Stark.

close enough to hurt.

Finally, you are trustworthy--the very definition of the word. All secrets are safe with you. All of your vows are unbreakable. True to your name, you world is a stark place; there is black, and there is white. Your rigidity tends to undercut your overall value as a friend and ally. Honesty such as yours is hard to come by, which is easy to understand when you consider how easily manipulated you are by less decent individuals. Essentially, you’re the nice guy, and you’ll always finish last.

Don't exactly agree here. The world is neither black/white, nor do I think I'm that easy to manipuilate. My honesty hasn't been put to a real test in the last years, so I won't comment on that.

Representative characters include: Eddard Stark, Jon Snow, and Sansa Stark

Similar Houses: Frey, Lannister and Tully

Opposite House: Baratheon

When playing the game of thrones, you play it with one sword in your hand and another up your ass.

They say that like it would be a bad thing.

23% on Dominance

18% on Extroversion

32% on Trustworthiness

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90% Dominant, 36% Extroverted, 63% Trustworthy

Confident. Dangerous. Unrelentingly sexy. The master of all you survey, you are of House Lannister.

You are a dominant personality—and how! When someone asks “and who are you, the proud lord said, that I should bow so low?†your response is probably, “FUCK YOU! I’m a fucking LANNISTER, that’s who the HELL I am!†And then you’d pimp-slap them with your golden hand. All joking aside, you view leadership as your natural, god-given right; it is a trait, just like your golden curling hair and irresistible sex appeal. It’s who you are—a Lannister.

You are introverted, meaning that you prefer to keep your ambitions and devices to yourself. Unfortunately, your personality is so vivacious that (despite all your intended secrecies) you are still a very obvious person. Though no one knows what avenues you will travel, your destination is clear to all. And of course, yours is a road to greatness! You have a magnetic, polarizing personality: people either love you or hate you. They also probably find you exceedingly intimidating. Their fear is probably well-placed.

Finally, you are trustworthy. Does this surprise you? Remember your unofficial motto: “A Lannister always pays his debts.†Though you enjoy keeping secrets and playing games, everyone knows you are a major player. Underhanded tactics are so expected from you that they don’t particularly count as untrustworthyness—it’s more of a family legacy than a choice. Your promise is as good as the gold that you shit.

Representative characters include: Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, and Tywin Lannister

Similar Houses: Greyjoy, Stark, and Targaryen

Opposite House: Tyrell

When playing the game of thrones, you play it balls to the wall.

... I suppose that this is acceptable.

You scored as a Eddard Stark

Tou identify with Eddard Stark. You are loyal and honorable, and take action in a crisis.

Eddard Stark 80%

Daenerys Targaryen 70%

Catelyn Stark 65%


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