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Smoldering Hound

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FIRST CALCULATION:[font="Courier New"]

Rachel Hurd-Wood 18....1-W 1-13.5
Daveigh Chase 18.......2-W 2-10 1-L 1-3
Anna Sofia Robb 15.....3-W 3-6 3-5 3-4-2 2-L 2-3 1-L 1-.5
Sarah Bolger 17........4-W 4-5 4-4-3 3-L 3-3-4 2-L 2-2 1-L 1-2
Emily Browning 20 .....5-W 5-3-2 5-2-2 4-L 4-3-3 4-2 3-L 3-3-3 3-2 2-L 2-2
Kay Panabaker 18.......6-W 6-3 6-2 6-1 5-L 5-3 5-2-2 5-1 4-L 4-1 3-L 3-1 -
Rosa Turandot ?........7-W 7-3 7-2 6-L 6-2-3 5-L 5-2-4 - (jh -)
Miley Cyrus 16.........8-W 8-2 7-L 7-2-2 6-L 6-2-3 5-L 5-2-4 4-L 4-3 4-2-2 3-L 3-2-3 2-L 2-1 1-L 1-1 - (jw jh -)
Julia Winter 15........9-W 9-3 9-2 8-L 8-1 7-L 7-1 6-L 6-1 5-L 5-1 (md -)
Jenna Harrison ?.......0-W 0-2 9-L 9-1 8-L 8-1 -
Juliette Goglia 13.....1-W 0-L 0-1 9-L 9-1-2 8-L 8-1 7-L 7-1-2 6-L 6-1-2 5-L 5-1-3 4-L 4-1-2 3-L 3-1-2 2-L 2-1
Dakota Blue Richards...2-W 2-2 1-L 0-L 0-1 9-L 9-1 8-L 8-1 7-L 7-1-2 6-L 6-1-2 5-L 5-1-2 4-L 4-1 3-L 3-1 (-)
Madeline Duggan 14.....3-W 2-L 2-1 1-L 0-L 0-1 -
Christina Robinson.....
Dakota Fanning 14......
Haley Ramm 16..........
Elizabeth Okey 20?.....
Natalie Victoria 26....
Alexis Bledel 27.......

VOTES:1-3 0-5 9-5 8-6 7-7 6-8 5-10 4-11 3-14 2-19 1-20[/font]
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- Juliette Goglia
- Madeline Duggan
- Julia Winter
- Dakota Blue Richards
- Kay Panabaker
- Elizabeth Okey
- AnnaSofia Robb

- Rachel Hurd-Wood
- Dakota Fanning
- Natalie Victoria
- Alexis Bledel
- Miley Cyrus (what were you thinking? :-P)

Rachel Hurd-Wood would've been perfect 5 years ago, but she's too old, and more importantly, she [i]looks[/i] too old. It's not just figure & height, which can be hidden with costumes (Sansa's supposed to be tall anyway). Her facial structure looks like a 20-something's in recent pictures, too much so to suspend disbelief. Same goes for Natalie Victoria and Alexis Bledel - waaay too old.

I don't feel the same way about Elizabeth Okey, even though she's technically older, because her face looks young & hair/makeup/costumes could bring the rest of her down to match.

Dakota Fanning is probably too expensive for ASoIaF, and even if she weren't I can't really see her doing simpering & naive. She's built her whole career on being precocious & cute; it's hard to picture her otherwise.

I like Juliette Goglia mostly for her acting ability. Her first CSI episode was filmed when she was 10, and she's just light-years beyond any other 10-year-old actress I've seen. And she's just gotten better since then, with her Ugly Betty episodes and A Grandpa for Christmas. She's also physically well-suited for the part.

I wouldn't have included Kay Panabaker on the list, except for her Grey's Anatomy episode. She does the I-hate-my-sister-except-when-it-really-counts part well, and she seems to have pretty good acting chops. May be a little old, but she could believably pull off 15 in Grey's, so it's not too much of a stretch to think she could do 13 with appropriate makeup.

Madeline Duggan's another great find. I'd never heard of her before; kudos to whoever put her on the casting list.
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Top four:

[url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0365650/"]Jenna Harrison[/url] ?
[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Daveigh_Chase_LF.jpg"]Daveigh Chase[/url] 18
[url="http://www.independent.ie/multimedia/archive/00172/Sarah_172498t.jpg"]Sarah Bolger[/url] 17
[url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1248393/"]Rachel Hurd-Wood[/url] 18

As Smoldering Hound mentioned, I'm afraid Jenna Harrison is too old, but she really look like the Sansa I imagined. And Daveigh Chase plays the vulnerable bitch [i]really[/i] well.
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Lucy Boynton is 15, is an English actress and was in Masterpiece Theatres Sense and Sensibility as Margaret Dashwood. Very good actress, and right look.


Dakota Blue Richards is perfect age and look.


Julia Winter looks right but I dont know how well she acts or if she can do an accent. Just dye her hair Auburn and presto, instant Sansa...


Sorry people, there won't be alot of American actors on this series unless they can do an accent- so I would look across the pond for ideas. I don't think HBO imagines these characters having American accents.

Also, Rachel Hurd-Wood really looks as I imagine Sansa would look. She's a perfect match and can act.




Since they are ageing up the characters I think she's still in the running...
Seriously, she is Sansa. :thumbsup:
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[b]Rachel Hurd-Wood[/b] if she can look thirteen. Thanks to characterization, I think she can.

If not her, I like [b]Sophie Anna Everhard[/b], and she's closer to the age:


Among the rest, for me they'd come in any order, except for the fact that Miley Cyrus is at the bottom of the list. And that's only because unlike the Security Council, I don't have a veto. Sansa is supposed to be a delicate, elegant beauty. I'll leave it at that.

To illustrate my point, here's a Renoir painting of what I think would be the perfect Sansa:


That's the delicate, romantic, dreamy look I'd like to see in Sansa. Something that looks deliberately taken from another time. I guess that goes for Cersei too, but Cersei and Margaery should only look it, while Sansa should [i]believe [/i]it.
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