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Onion Knight

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Are the official synopsis for the episodes from season 5 that have yet to air allowed on the wiki?

For example, for episode 4, that would have been (according to IMDB)..

Jorah Mormont sets sail alongside his prisoner, Tyrion. Cersei makes a move against the Tyrells. Jaime and Bronn sneak into Dorne. Ellaria and the Sand Snakes make their plans. Melisandre tempts Jon. The Harpies attack.

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Well, I found the description for episode 4 and 5 on IMDB, and for 5 to 8 on this site


If allowed, they should be added to the wiki...

Yes, the synopsises (what is the plural of synopsis? :dunno: ) are available up to episode 8 at present. Actually, they are listed under "Latest News" on the forum too, now I think on it, under the "May Episode Details" :) So yes, I would say they are good to go on the wiki :thumbsup:

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I just noticed something odd with the portals on the wiki. On all the portals, the text of the section headings is below the colored bar instead of on it. For example, on the first section of the Characters portal, the words "POV Characters" is shoved down below the colored bar unlike the text "Featured article" on the main page.

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I don't think Aegon should have "The Mummer's Dragon" listed as an alias. Nobody ever calls him this, it's just a theory that the phrase "Mummer's dragon" refers to him. It certainly shouldn't refer to Rhaegar's actual son.

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Quaithe? Hmmm... But not even she uses it as a title...

Yeah, it's a prophetic description of him (even that hasn't been proven yet) not a title. Just as you probably wouldn't say "the woman that was a fish" was an alias for cat. It's a way of referring to her, but not really an alias. While we're on the subject we might consider removing some of Daenerys's aliases like "slayer of lies," "daughter of death" and "child of three." Unless I'm totally off base as to what qualifies as an alias. God knows she has enough titles and aliases already.

Edit: And Bran has an alias "The Bran Boy" really? The only time that phrase appears is here:

Meera said, “You speak the Common Tongue now.”

“For him. The Bran boy. I was born in the time of the dragon, and for two hundred years I walked the world of men, to watch and listen and learn. I might be walking still, but my legs were sore and my heart was weary, so I turned my feet for home.”

Edited by RumHam
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This inquiry is inspired by a discussion in General (ASOIAF).

The wiki states that Houses Glover and Tallhart are of "masterly" rank rather than lordly. The AFFC Appendix mentions that Galbart Glover is the Master of Deepwood Motte and that Ser Helman Tallhart is Master of Torrhen's Square.

Some have interpreted this to mean that masters are the equivalent of landed knights in regions where there are few knights, such as the north and the Iron Islands. Lesser Harlaws such as Sigfryd and Boremund are masters (lower case) of Harlaw Hall and Harridan Hill in the AFFC appendix, but are sworn to Rodrik Harlaw of Ten Towers.

The Glovers and Tallharts are first mentioned in AGOT when Ned tasks Helman and Galbart with fortifying Moat Cailin with two hundred archers. Maybe Ned relied on them more than the Dustins (Barrowton is closer to Moat Cailin than Torrhen's Square or Deepwood Motte), or maybe George hadn't created Barrowton and Deepwood when AGOT was published, as neither are mentioned on its map of the north.

I haven't found anything from George verifying that master=landed knight, or that he has ever used the word "masterly". Monford and Monterys Velaryon are Masters of Driftmark and Godric Borrell is Master of Breakwater Castle, and they are lords instead of landed knights. If master = landed knight then Ser Helman Tallhart could be called the Knight of Torrhen's Square, but he is not referred to as such.

Ran, do you know of any insight into the status of the Glovers and Tallharts?

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About House Maedows:

Although their lands are located in the Reach, they are not sworn to House Tyrell, but to House Baratheon in the Stormlands.[2]

Are they actually historically sworn to Storm's End? Or have they just like the Florents joined Stannis after Renly's death? In the latter case this needs to be cut out from the introduction.

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About House Maedows:

Are they actually historically sworn to Storm's End? Or have they just like the Florents joined Stannis after Renly's death? In the latter case this needs to be cut out from the introduction.

The app says they are sworn to Highgarden, so I updated the article. Thanks for finding it!

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Is there any reason why A Dance with Dragons has a different infobox for the chapter summaries, when compared to the other four books (which have essentially the same template, only with a different file in it as cover)?

Would anyone mind it if I change it so it functions exactly the same as the infoboxes on the other chapter pages?

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Ok.. I also have a question regarding the TV series... Is there a spoiler period?

I was checking the pages for season4, and noticed that there were still some summaries missing there, so I've been preparing those.. But for season 5, six episodes have aired now. Can summaries for those be added as well, or is that only allowed after the DVD release, or after a certain period of time? In other words, is there a spoiler period for the TV series, like we've seen for the books, or does the series have no such thing?

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Ok.. I also have a question regarding the TV series... Is there a spoiler period?

I was checking the pages for season4, and noticed that there were still some summaries missing there, so I've been preparing those.. But for season 5, six episodes have aired now. Can summaries for those be added as well, or is that only allowed after the DVD release, or after a certain period of time? In other words, is there a spoiler period for the TV series, like we've seen for the books, or does the series have no such thing?

I think it's the case that most editors are more interested in book articles than TV articles.

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