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Exercise and Fitness VI


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"All suffering stems from desire." - the Buddha

"The things you own end up owning you." - Tyler Durden

I was having a really nice day today. After a quality legs workout at the downtown gym, I shared a mental health lunch with goodfriend Claire at one of our favorite spots. It was a neapolitan pizza with loads of toppings- not exactly on the diet, but if I didn't have some starch soon I was going to go nuts. Then off to work, driving the cab all over town. It was a good day too, only a few high dollar fares, which is what I like. One customer was this semi comatose alzheimer's patient I was transporting back to her care home about 30 miles away. Trust her not to complain about the radio station or tell me to go a different way.

Later on I get called back to the cab place, which I ordinarily like to avoid because it's pure down time. That is, when I'm there, I'm not making any money, so why go if I don't have to? I pull in to the yard, and there's a big empty space where my bike should be. I look around for a bit, ask around for a bit, and yep; it's been stolen.

It's funny, I'm not really into "stuff" so much, but I'm rather a bit emotional and frantic over the loss. I was really enjoying riding it again. Yeah, you can see places in a car or on a motorcycle, but being on a bicycle, it's a whole different way to experience your environment.

so now, after I'm done drinking this awful beer I picked up (BL lime? who's lame ass idea was this, and I really need to think before I grab random shit from the cooler at the circle K) I'm going to cruise craigslist, and maybe place an ad in the "Looking to buy" section.

Fucking bastards. Fucking Mesa.

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ztem, sorry about your bike, man. That sucks.

Lany and Stego, great job so far! Keep it up(I may have posted that earlier, I can't remember. It's been a LONG day). I've got a clothed "before" pic and a clothed "last weekend" pic. I'll post them up when I get home later in the week.

re: stretching

I like to stretch before I lift. Especially with any type of leg workout. Typically, my routine goes like this:

1. Walk to the gym. (It's about a 1/2 mile)

2. Foam roller.

3. Some type of dynamic warmups (pushups, leg swings, etc.)

4. Stretch.

5. 2 warm up sets (@ 50% of my first set and then 80% of my first set).

6. Lift.

seastarr, that hamstring stretch you posted a while back has been great for me. It really opened them up. Do you have any super double secret groin or glute stretches? I'm having a bit of trouble maintaining an upright posture in the bottom of my squats and I think it's due to either the groin or glutes being a little too tight.

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seastarr, that hamstring stretch you posted a while back has been great for me. It really opened them up. Do you have any super double secret groin or glute stretches? I'm having a bit of trouble maintaining an upright posture in the bottom of my squats and I think it's due to either the groin or glutes being a little too tight.

Yes, glutes is just what I was thinking to post next. Sorry it is taking me so long. I often have about ten minutes to make a post between clients or before going to bed or getting myself to work, and it has been hard to get it done. I still have ideas for a couple posture exercises for you Eloisa, if you're there.

Bear with me. I'm quite busy and for the exercises and stretches I really want to do it right and give you too much information about how to do it rather than not enough, so at least you'll have options. It is a little nerve-wracking for me to give you advice/guidance when I am not there with you to help you if you need it. I like to see what people are doing when I teach them!

Rest assured, rough draft of a glute stretch is in the works. Hopefully my loopy post this morning didn't scare you all off stretching. (Dear god, if I stretch will I end up turning into a bendy-quasi-spiritualist who writes like she's on crack? Hmmm...maybe I should just stay tight...)

ztem, I'm so sorry about your bike--was it Fezzik?

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Sorry to hear about your bike ztem. I got rid of my last bike that was too small for me, rusty and had a flat tire I couldn't be arsed to fix by leaving it unlocked outside. It took a few days but in the end some brave soul gathered the courage to steal it probably oblivious to the fact s/he was doing me a favour. I have a new one now that I keep locked inside :)

About stretching. I do some dynamic before training then some static afterwards. I can recommend static and dynamic stretching to anyone but I wouldn't do ballistic stretching if it doesn't clearly benefit you in your sport.

Capo, you talked about isometric and concentric exercises. Isometric exercises can be really useful when you're practicing something like the planche or front lever and can't yet do the dynamic movements related to them. You can also use isometric holds for postactivation potentation in exercises like squat or bench press. Basically you hold a supramaximal load just short out of lockout for like 5-10 seconds, have a short rest of about 30 seconds and then do the movement with full ROM and submaximal load. The idea is to fool the nervous system into thinking you are actually going to try to lift that weight that would crush you if done with full ROM. When your body prepares everything it has to battle this weight the submaximal load will feel like nothing.

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yeah, it was fezzik. If it was sakura (the motorcycle) I'd be way more livid than I am right now, but I'd also have gotten her back already because she has lojack.

I'm chasing down leads tonight trying to get her back. Checking pawn shops, e mailing people who might have pieces of her for sale, (who needs clipless pedals in the barrio?) that sort of thing.

anyone have any ideas for how I can make a quick thousand bucks to get a new bike?

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yeah, it was fezzik. If it was sakura (the motorcycle) I'd be way more livid than I am right now, but I'd also have gotten her back already because she has lojack.

I'm chasing down leads tonight trying to get her back. Checking pawn shops, e mailing people who might have pieces of her for sale, (who needs clipless pedals in the barrio?) that sort of thing.

anyone have any ideas for how I can make a quick thousand bucks to get a new bike?

Is this just for a bicycle to ride around, not a motorcycle? I know some bikes can get expensive, but around me there are a lot of shops that refurbish old bikes and then sell them for ~150. Maybe take a look at one of those shops if you can. They are mostly track bikes, referred around here as 'fixies' by the bikers that use them.

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Capo, you talked about isometric and concentric exercises. Isometric exercises can be really useful when you're practicing something like the planche or front lever and can't yet do the dynamic movements related to them.

You can also use isometric holds for postactivation potentation in exercises like squat or bench press. Basically you hold a supramaximal load just short out of lockout for like 5-10 seconds, have a short rest of about 30 seconds and then do the movement with full ROM and submaximal load. The idea is to fool the nervous system into thinking you are actually going to try to lift that weight that would crush you if done with full ROM. When your body prepares everything it has to battle this weight the submaximal load will feel like nothing.

That first bit about the isometric exercises, I've seen that mentioned for a few difficult exercises before, specifically for the front lever and planche, lol. Good call.

Does this 'postactivation potentation' actually work? Also when you say just short of lockout do you mean at the bottom of the movement (bar at your chest) or the top of the movement (bar near the rack)? I'm assuming you mean at the bottom but it is good to make sure.

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That first bit about the isometric exercises, I've seen that mentioned for a few difficult exercises before, specifically for the front lever and planche, lol. Good call.

Does this 'postactivation potentation' actually work? Also when you say just short of lockout do you mean at the bottom of the movement (bar at your chest) or the top of the movement (bar near the rack)? I'm assuming you mean at the bottom but it is good to make sure.

Yes it works and there's some research related to it. However, all the factors contributing to the surge of strength experienced after handling supramaximal loads are not clear yet.

Short of lockout means the top of the movement. For example in the bench press unrack the bar and hold it with slightly bent elbows. Lowering the weight would result in an eccentric muscle contraction and some people use these "negatives" or "eccentrics" with supramaximal load as part of their training. The risk of injury is high though and I don't see them as beneficial. Doing negatives in an exercise like the squat is just calling for an injury.

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ztem--terrible news about your bike, that really sucks. I hope you can find an affordable replacement.

NYC has been really pushing people to use their bicycles more, but if you leave your bike here for any length of time unattended, it'll get stolen so I'm not sure how that whole plan is going to work in the long run.

seastarr, that hamstring stretch you posted a while back has been great for me. It really opened them up. Do you have any super double secret groin or glute stretches?

So, I'm clearly not seastarr but I have a way too tight pelvic floor so I spend a lot of time doing groin stretches (and have spent bunches of time in physical therapy for it!). Here are the ones that I do:

http://yoga.about.com/od/yogaposes/a/garland.htm (a physical therapist showed me an easier version of this--lay on the floor with knees to chest. use your hands to pull your knees open. This way has no stress on your ankles like the squatting one does)



http://www.sissel-online.com/exercise/yoga...orward_bend.php (I couldn't find a more gentle picture of this one. only pull your legs out as far as you can, I can't get nearly this spread out. and only lean forward as far as you can without rounding your back... even if that means you're just sitting up straight! I put my hands on the floor behind my butt to slightly push myself forward, and can only bend forward a little bit)

hope that helps some. I don't stretch my glutes specifically, but I do these stretches in conjunction with hamstring, hip opener and lower back twist stetches since all these muscles are intertwined.

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Yes, glutes is just what I was thinking to post next. Sorry it is taking me so long. I often have about ten minutes to make a post between clients or before going to bed or getting myself to work, and it has been hard to get it done. I still have ideas for a couple posture exercises for you Eloisa, if you're there.

I am here, and would be most grateful - like HTWS said, whenever you can; it's so nice of you to do this. :)

Ztem - that's awful for you. When you get another one/the stolen one back, is there anywhere at work you could leave it that'd be safe?

My dodgy knee is being dodgy again. Specifically, it's now more sore than it has been in months; it's gone from being stronger than it has for years three weeks ago to weak and wobbly. :( (My own fault - it probably went wrong when I did an overenthusiastically deep squat three weeks back.) No gym tonight; I'll convert my bathroom into a mini-sauna by running only hot water into the bath, do some stretching and hope that spending a subsequent couple of hours in the bath helps sort it out a little.

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So, I'm clearly not seastarr but I have a way too tight pelvic floor so I spend a lot of time doing groin stretches (and have spent bunches of time in physical therapy for it!). Here are the ones that I do:

http://yoga.about.com/od/yogaposes/a/garland.htm (a physical therapist showed me an easier version of this--lay on the floor with knees to chest. use your hands to pull your knees open. This way has no stress on your ankles like the squatting one does)



http://www.sissel-online.com/exercise/yoga...orward_bend.php (I couldn't find a more gentle picture of this one. only pull your legs out as far as you can, I can't get nearly this spread out. and only lean forward as far as you can without rounding your back... even if that means you're just sitting up straight! I put my hands on the floor behind my butt to slightly push myself forward, and can only bend forward a little bit)

hope that helps some. I don't stretch my glutes specifically, but I do these stretches in conjunction with hamstring, hip opener and lower back twist stetches since all these muscles are intertwined.

Nice, groin stuff. All I really do for my groin is butterflies because I don't really know anything else. I always feel tight in that area ever since I got an injury back when I ran track.

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I finally broke down (pun not intended) and made an appointment with a chiropractor for tomorrow. Things are just not aligned right and I've had a constant pain around my upper left lat that I know is because I need to be adjusted. Plus I really need to start working on my posture.

As far as fitness and exercise go I've been carrying on. Working out at least 4 days a week now though instead of 5 or 6. I was getting way burned out. I'm down to a 29" waist... which actually sucks because finding clothes for a 44 yo man with a 29" waist is tough. But there are plenty of board shorts!

Going out for lunch today though... Hot Pastrami Baby!

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Leg workout done. Quads have 0 strength in them right now, though thanfully I am seeing progress from the first few workouts we had done.

speaking of done...so am I...feel like I am gonna puke, and not in a good way. Neck locked up like Fort Knox. Feel a lot better now, but made for a not fun workout.

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I fucking LOATHE when my neck locks up. Be thankful you weren't doing upper body. It makes it a painful experience. I hope it calms down ASAP, man.

Grats on seeing progress in your quads.

I had my douche day. (AKA biceps and abs) I feel like I should have done a lot more, but I imagine I'll live. :P

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Here is a hip and glute stretch that was a long time in coming!

This is not an actual yoga posture that has a specific Sanskrit name that I know of, although I consider it preparation for several advanced postures, most importantly padmasana, the lotus, the seat of meditation. I am NOT recommending that you try padmasana right now! Just the first picture!!!

You may recognize it as “the figure four†stretch, as it sometimes called, although I usually just call it “hip stretch.â€

For you healthy people, just check out the picture above and the brief instruction below, and get rolling. If you want the backstory and the modifications for various issues, you will have to navigate my wall o’ text.


To get there:

1) Lie on your back, knees bent, on comfortable surface. Take one heel and hook it over the opposite knee or thigh.* Cross the whole heel over, not just the side of the foot.

2) Flex your foot on the crossed over side so you pull your toes back towards your shin. This is important to preserve good alignment in ankle and knee.

3) You may feel plenty of stretch right now. If so, here’s where you stay.** If you want more, lift the bottom leg off the floor and draw the thighs in towards your chest. Hold the back of the bottom thigh, sliding one hand through the diamond between your legs to get it there.

*The knee can be a tricky aspect of this stretch, so you people with knee troubles need to head into it slowly, paying good attention to your knees. There is a bit of lateral torquing potential in the knee, so you need to be careful to make sure when you do it to take steps to protect the knee.

One option is to change the angle of the knee’s bend to fully close the hinge of the knee like this. Notice how the heel ends up much closer to the hip joint if you do that.

Or, you can flex the foot of the crossed over knee, strongly pulling the toes back towards the shin like this. This will engage muscles to help prevent the torque being absorbed by your knee ligaments.

I have had better success myself with the second option, since the knee often refuses to bend to the full closure of the hinge. You can try it both ways and see what works best—also, the stretch changes as the degree of bend changes.

**If it is hard to reach your bottom leg, you can use a wall to support the bottom foot/leg. Sometimes if your belly gets in the way or your arms feel short, it can be hard to reach the bottom leg, so use a wall if you need it.

Details to finesse it:

1) When you arrive in your final position, please check out your neck. You want it to be relaxed and long, in three dimensions. It will often get scrunchy and short in the back, causing your chin to jut up towards the ceiling. Tuck your chin towards your throat to alleviate this issue.

2) As a beginner, try to just keep your sacrum and rear end on the floor. They may want to go up.

3) If you feel bendy and comfortable in the position, you can try to put a small amount of space under the lower back (the natural curve) while keeping the sacrum and rear end on the floor. This will usually give extra stretch to the glutes. You can sort of see this in my original picture.

4) People with no hint of back troubles and a feeling of ease in the hips can rock the sacrum side to side or up and down.

In my practice of this stretch I am consistently amazed by two things:

1) I always feel it, even if it’s the tenth time during a single day that I am doing it.

2) It has a very mercurial way—I feel the stretch in various areas in my hip at different times. Sometimes it a strong gluteal stretch, other times I get my adductors/groins, some days it’s even more in my hip flexors and my TFL. I often feel a release in my back when I do it, too.

So it has great benefit to the whole hip area, partly because it stretches the muscles around the joint in a varied and unusual way.

Don't hesitate with questions. Have fun!

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