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Exercise and Fitness (the 48kg remix)


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Good day at the gym. I did interval sprints. I didn't even know my body was capable of sprinting. I also apparently weight about 10 pounds less than I thought. So yay!

Sounds like a great day at the gym to me!

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Stego. All good bars have the same knurling and ring position. Its just the cheapo ones that are different.

To elaborate, proper weightlifting and powerlifting bars have a different ring position. Rings on a weightlifting bar are closer to the collars than on a powerlifting bar. Weightlifting bars are also more flexible than powerlifting bars and thus there's more oscillation with heavy weights when doing the classic lifts.

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To elaborate, proper weightlifting and powerlifting bars have a different ring position. Rings on a weightlifting bar are closer to the collars than on a powerlifting bar. Weightlifting bars are also more flexible than powerlifting bars and thus there's more oscillation with heavy weights when doing the classic lifts.

True but you don't often see oly bars at commercial gyms.

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So I was doing my pullups and body rows today. Now I haven't done any pullups in maybe two weeks, and the last time I could do 3 but I could get to 5 if I really struggled and the last two were a bit sloppy. Well I haven't been neglecting my back completely though, I've been doing body rows. Also I usually grip the bar with only my four fingers and not my thumb which is something I've been trying to actively do in order to increase grip strength (and maybe forearm size?). Well today I decided to do some pullups and I did them with a full hand grip. They were SO MUCH EASIER! It felt great, at this rate I'll be back to doing sets of 20 reps in no time, maybe by the time summer rolls around if I keep at it.

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I had an enjoyable yoga practice today. I did the supta kurmasana all by myself (no spot to get into it) and I really felt like I discovered how to approach the posture better--getting the legs narrower and more hooked over my shoulders, squeezing more with the inner thighs to keep the legs in place once I get them situated, getting more abdominal engagement and relaxing into the deep back stretch.

Also, my weeks of sore lats are really improving my jump throughs. I can almost do them without my feet brushing the floor at all. The soreness really has been weeks, and it is all from my trapeze lessons. I'm afraid I'm going to start looking a little crab-like with this carapace springing out of my back. Freaky.

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I had an enjoyable yoga practice today. I did the supta kurmasana all by myself (no spot to get into it) and I really felt like I discovered how to approach the posture better--getting the legs narrower and more hooked over my shoulders, squeezing more with the inner thighs to keep the legs in place once I get them situated, getting more abdominal engagement and relaxing into the deep back stretch.

Also, my weeks of sore lats are really improving my jump throughs. I can almost do them without my feet brushing the floor at all. The soreness really has been weeks, and it is all from my trapeze lessons. I'm afraid I'm going to start looking a little crab-like with this carapace springing out of my back. Freaky.

All of those things put together in one movement doesn't even sound possible, or pleasant. I am having trouble just visualizing that. Also, nice! on the technique improvement due to strength gain.

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All of those things put together in one movement doesn't even sound possible, or pleasant. I am having trouble just visualizing that. Also, nice! on the technique improvement due to strength gain.

Supta kurmasana is a contorted posture. I can't take a picture of myself doing it because it takes me too long to get into it and there's no way I can reach my camera button once I am there. Here's someone else doing it very nicely.

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To elaborate. Doing weights on your off days would just interfere with your recovery from the main workouts. 3 days a week is plenty.

Yep, figured that's what you meant. I was just thinking that I could hit things that are being under utilized (calves and forearms, for example), but the full body exercises do a pretty good job of hitting everything. Doing off day exercises could interfere with progress, why mess with something that's working? I think the only thing I'm going to change is deadlifts. The program calls for doing 1x5 but early in the program when I was using a lighter weight I did 5x5. I felt like I got more of a workout that way. My forearms were a lot more sore, I didn't rip callouses off as easily, and my posture was better.

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Yep, figured that's what you meant. I was just thinking that I could hit things that are being under utilized (calves and forearms, for example), but the full body exercises do a pretty good job of hitting everything. Doing off day exercises could interfere with progress, why mess with something that's working? I think the only thing I'm going to change is deadlifts. The program calls for doing 1x5 but early in the program when I was using a lighter weight I did 5x5. I felt like I got more of a workout that way. My forearms were a lot more sore, I didn't rip callouses off as easily, and my posture was better.

Meet in the middle if you do change it. Try 3 sets of 5.

I never train forearms or calves directly.

ETA: Actually doing some wrist curls or calf raises won't affect you much but I don't think you really need them.

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Does it make me an awful person that the first thing I thought was "Philly."? I'm sorry that happened to you, man, it's happened to some friends of mine in the past, and it's a pretty nervy thing. Glad you're OK.

Back to the gym tomorrow, I think. Squats and deads.

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I've been testing my bench press once every week or two since I've started working out consistently again. When I started I had a bit of trouble doing 120 once. Well apparently the pushups and stuff have been helping because 120 is relatively easy now I was just doing 130 and I think next week I go up to 140 and just keep upping it by 10 lbs a week until I hit a wall.

Edit: nvm I just did 140, my arms were shaking but I think I can do 150 actually.

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