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I like Davos. [Book Spoilers up to Chapter 36 'Davos']

Bowl o' Brown

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When I came upon the first Davos chapter in ACoK I didn't like it. Everything and everyone was new, and I was sorta resistant to it all for some reason. Probably because it wasn't a continuation of an existing character storyline, and I remember being pretty eager to touch base with all my favourites to see what happens. All I remember is being half way through the first chapter, and had no clue what was happening to whom. I decided to start over, and forced myself to pay attention. Each DAVOS chapter was like that at first, I liked the insight into Big Stan's plans which his chapters provided, but really wasn't getting into the characters. For the longest time turning a page to see a new chapter titled DAVOS meant it was time for bed.

So now in ASoS, he has been made Hand of the King by Big Stan the man, and much to my surprise I found myself pretty excited about it, and happy for him. (His new celly was going to drive me nuts, so I'm glad he is out of there.) I was surprised by my reaction.. I still thought I didn't like the guy! That's when I noticed that the Ned shaped hole in my heart was gone... Davos was my new Ned. I don't know when that happened. (Might be his reaction to Mel's shadow baby, I don't know.) Sure he is scruffier, and not as squeaky clean as Ned (ex-smuggler :pirate: ), but he has a strong sense of family, a strict personal code of honour, self-aware (lowborn raised high), and he doesn't split hairs when it comes to his opinions on things.

Actually now that I think about it, I was sorta bummed for the guy when he lost his luck (bag of finger bones)... and his sons. :crying:

Anyhow, thought I'd share, maybe others had a similar issue with him, and had to warm up to him.

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:lol: Haha, yeah, the Davos chapters are almost work, at first, because you are introduced to so many new characters/personalities at once. (I'm sort of going through the same thing in A Feast for Crows, atm).

I do like Davos, though. He may not be 'educated' but he knows the sea and he has his own inner mortality that he sticks to hard and fast. I can't say that he is my new Ned (yet), but I do respect him.

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I didn't like him much at all in the beginning. Now I'm kinda.. indifferent, I guess.

I hope they cast a cool dude as him in the series. Seeing and hearing Sean Bean when reading the Ned chapters in AGoT made it a lot easier to like him. :smug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree about his role being similar to that of Ned, being mostly a good guy whit a strong loyalty to his king.

He's in my top 3 favourite characters, probably because I like the idea of the veteran smuggler who became a knight, it has sort of a Han Solo flavour to it (yes the two characters are very different, I know).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aye, Davos grows on the reader. He is amiable, his background is interesting, he is honest(for a smuggler ;-)), no lickspittle and despite the lordlings despising him a man that was there when he was needed. He also stops Stannis from doing follies by reminding him to stay true to himself.

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