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Why isn't Howland Reed not with Robb Stark for war?

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I thought Howland Reed is a bannerman sworn to House Stark, then why isn't he off to war with Robb Stark when he called the banners? I'm half way through ASoS. Maybe I missed this bit of info, but i find it weird how he hasn't appeared yet.

He will be asked by Robb to come into play soon...but very soon after that comes a twist you have to read to believe!

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As zmflavius says, the Reeds and the crannogmen *are* playing their part.

Robb's war strategy was based around the idea that the Lannister's forces couldn't move up from the South to attack the North while Robb was away in the Riverlands, because the crannogmen kept the Neck impassible, and Moat Cailin secured the King's Road's causeway. Reed and his people are the borderguard for the North.

That is very strategically important - Robb couldn't execute war in the Riverrlands and down into The West, if he and the Umbers, and all his other bannermen, had to keep their forces at home to defend their own lands.

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