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The Prologue

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So I've just started reading ASoS, I'm about 4 chapters in but I had to stop and post this. The prologue to this book must be on of the best chapters in any of the ASoIaF I've read so far and all for this line:

"Three" he squeaked to Chett, "that was three, I heard three. They never blow three. Not for hundreds and thousands of years. Three means-"

The suspense is explosive and there is no need for that following line that confirms your worst fears;


Throughout the chapter you know something bad's going to happen; what with Chett and Mormont's best laid plans. But expected the Wildlings to arrive early or something. I didn't see that coming!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was definitely dynamic! I've been waiting for the "other shoe" to drop as far as the Others are concerned. I mean, how many times must we hear "Winter Is Coming" before it well, shows up for the party? :rolleyes:

And there was something terrifying about as well. We were made to expect that it was coming soon, but still, it gets you. For me it was an "Curses!" moment because I'm thinking... What would the absolute worst time be for an Others invasion? Right. Now.

War's going on everywhere, the middle of the country [at the least] was torched, there's no clear and unopposed leader, the Night's Watch is essentially screwed for numbers, not to mention it's been goodness-knows-how-long since Others were seen? Half the country, if not more, believes they are nothing more than storied monsters. The ones who do believe, have little idea how to get rid of them because it HAS been so darned long that you have to really reasearch to find out, "Oh, fire works. Oh, dragonglass as well."

So for me it was especially chilling because I think of all the characters, with all that's already on their plates, and I wonder just who is even going to live through this mess. :shocked:

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