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Did Sansa have a vision before Joffrey's wedding? (spoilers)

No True Lady

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I'm almost done with ASoS and I keep coming back to this passage at the beginning of Chapter 59 (AKA Sansa IV):

There were clouds massing in the eastern sky, pierced by shafts of sunlight. They look like two huge castles afloat in the morning light. Sansa could see their walls of tumbled stone, their mighty keeps and barbicans. Wispy banners swirled from atop their towers and reached for the fast-fading stars. The sun was coming up behind them, and she watched them go from black to grey to a thousand shades of rose and gold and crimson. Soon the wind mushed them together, and there was only one castle where there had been two.


"Come see," she told them. "There's a castle in the sky."

They came to have a look. "It's made of gold." Shae had dark shirt hair and bold eyes. She did all that was asked of her, but sometimes she gave Sansa the most insolent looks. "A castle all of gold, there's a sight I'd like to see."

"A castle is it?" Brella had to squint. "That tower's tumbling over, looks like. It's all ruins, that is."

If this is a vision and not just idle chatter between the characters, what could it mean? The castles could easily stand for two noble houses joining together. So if gold represents House Baratheon and crimson obviously stands for the Lannisters, maybe the cloud vision represents the eventual fall of both houses? And of course black and grey are two of the Stark's colors.

Or it could simply be foreshadowing of Joffrey's death, since he is officially the child of two houses joined together.


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Or it could simply be foreshadowing of Joffrey's death, since he is officially the child of two houses joined together.

Except Joffrey isn't the child of two houses joined together, he is the child of one single house.

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59 chapters and Sansa has only had four of them? Wow. I looked at the chapter list at TotH, and there are like thirty chapters of no Sansa. How did I not notice that? :lol:

Anyway, I think we're definitely looking at Joffrey's fall. Brella's comments are seeing the truth over the idealistic Sansa, unfortunately.

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Except Joffrey isn't the child of two houses joined together, he is the child of one single house.

Biologically, he is the child of a single house, but on paper he is still a Baratheon-Lannister. His sigil is made with both the Lion and the Stag.

To the OP, that's a nice observation, it makes sense.

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  • 5 months later...
...she watched them go from black to grey to a thousand shades of rose and gold and crimson.

The thousand shades of rose could be House Tyrell (Margaery) and the castle of gold and crimson, I'd assume is House Lannister (Joffrey); their union. The collapsing towers could be the downfall of both houses.

she watched them go from black to grey

The colours of House Stark.

"That tower's tumbling over, looks like. It's all ruins, that is."

The tumbling towers and the ruins are of the death of Joffrey, I think. The black and grey reference could be viewed as her involvement in the murder.

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